Squirrels in his Pants

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Chapter Thirteen- Squirrels in his pants.

"Are you sure you're not cold?" Carter asked me looking down at my outfit. I admit, probably was not the best idea to wear shorts in such cold weather.

"I'm good,"  i answered for the thousandth time. "Are we almost there?" I feel like we've been walking for miles, and I'm not even exaggerating.

"We're almost there drama queen," Carter nudged me. I swear everyone is trying me today. Zeke chuckled from behind us.

"I forgot you were there Zeke. It was almost nice with out your annoying presence around," i remarked.

"If you wanted to be alone with Carter you should have just said so."

"You were so much more tolerateable the first time we met," i rolled my eyes and continued to walk a tad faster than Zeke so that I wouldn't have to listen to his smart mouth.

We finally arrived to the party, well I assumed it was the party, there were cars parked in the lawn. However, this is smaller than the ones I usually go to, but I'm not complaining.

Walking into the crowd of people I look to my right to see Carter staring with a little bit of discomfort, it was sort of adorable. I could tell that this was really his scene by the way he licked his lips and the way he fidgets with his hands. "You don't come to parties often do you?" I whispered in his ear so that only he could hear me, I didn't want to embarrass him.

He just shook his head telling me that I was in fact right. I just smiled unbelievably, took his wrist and lead him into the kitchen. I mixed a few drinks together and handed it to him.

"Is there alcohol in it?" He asked taking it from my hand and taking a sip.

"Yes," i rolled my eyes, "but not enough to get you drunk. It's just a little. So don't be a baby." I teased taking my drink and sipping on it.

"I'm not being a baby, It was just a question, because one of us has to stay sober," he growled.

"What makes you think I'm going to get wasted tonight?" I shot back. I honestly wasn't planning on drinking much, due to my brand new job tomorrow.

"Because that's what you do, Rose."

"That's what I do?" I crossed my arms, this ticked me off. This one comment ticked me off. Does he just think of me as a chick who always has to be drinking or partying?

"Yes, you party."

"At least I don't have a stick up my ass. Lighten up, and stop being a dick," i shot back leaving my red solo cup on the counter and leaving him in the kitchen.

As I walked through the living room I could hear glass breaking, flirting, and people singing along to the music playing.

"Hey, you look lost," a stranger observed behind me.

"Isn't everyone," i chuckled at the irony of him telling me I looked lost, because I was lost, but it more ways than he thought.

"You look familiar, have we meet?" He asked towering over me.

"I don't think so, but you might know me from the pub down the street. I used to work there." I've learned that when people say they've seen me before it's usually because they spend just as much time at that bar as I do.

"Oh yeah, you were the waitress who spilt my drink all over my pants, then told me it was my fault," he laughed.

"Yeah, because it was your fault."

"How? You were carrying my drink. I didn't even touch it," we were playfully arguing. We weren't being rude to each other, we were just teasing.

"Well when I went to go set your drink down you kicked your leg, which kicked the table, which made me get distracted," i laughed, that was a terrible excuse-even for me.

Cynical Romantic Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz