LWTG - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Kayleigh's P.O.V

I rolled over in my bed, looking at the digital clock on the bedside table. 6:24am. I sighed, looking over at the empty bed where Chelsea slept at nights. She was supposed to be coming back soon, but she hasn't texted, skyped, emailed, or called me ever since that time when I was on the plane to London.

"Kayles, you need to get up." I heard Niall's voice at the door, then followed by a slight knock. I shot up in bed like a bullet and looked at the door, silently praying that he wouldn't come in. I had total bedhead. I groaned and pushed myself up off the matress and walked towards the door, opening it slowly to reveal a Niall gray pajama pants, with a light blue fitted T-Shirt on. God, I really hate him right now.

"Hi," I said, smiling. He nodded at me, moving off towards the side so I could make a beeline towards the bathroom. I nodded back at him, and did as expected; made a beeline towards the bathroom across the hallway. I heard him softly chuckle and I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see it. Sometimes, I wished I was woken up by him everyday -- wait, what am I saying!? I shook the thoughts out of my head and stripped out of my pajamas and hopped into the steaming hot shower, clearing away my thoughts.

"Movie night with Harry Styles. Hm, interesting." Liam said, holding a magazine in his hands. I curled up on my side of the sofa, where Niall was sitting on one side of me, and Harry on the other.

"Whoa, did I just hear someone's trying to take my man to a movie?" Louis asked, coming in the room, just a towel hanging loosly around his waist. My hands flew to my eyes and I winced at the site. Niall laughed beside me, and I could hear Harry trying to surpress one.

"Yea, Louis, cover up. We have innocent eyes here." Zayn's voice echoed off the walls of the silent room, then a burst of laughter erupted and the room fell into a melody of laughs. Once the laughter died down, I slowly removed my hands from my eyes to see everyone fully dressed, I let out a sigh and looked at Liam who was saying how great an idea it was to have a fan win a movie date with harry Styles.

"But, like, what if she tries to make a move on me?" Harry asked, looking terrified. I laughed and patted him on the back.

"If anyone tries to put the "moves" on you, they have to be crazy .. your socially unavalible." Louis said, sucking on the bubble gum lollipop he had in his mouth.

Harry let out a harsh laugh and looked at Louis, "Look who's talking, you're so against this movie date, yet your dating Eleanor. Ha. Ha."

Louis sent him daggers, and the room once again erupted into a fit of laughters. The one that got me laughing was Niall's. He could make anyone laugh with his laugh, even if something's not funny.

"Ohmygosh! I just noticed, Valentine's Day is next week!" I exclaimed, smiling like an idiot. Zayn clapped a hand to his forehead in a "duh" gesture, and Niall chuckled beside me.

"Why did you think they have this movie date with Harry? Just for fun? Mate, you need to keep up." Liam said, throwing the magazine down on the coffee table infront of him, then leaning back on the sofa and propping his feet up onto the table aswell. I rolled my eyes, and stood up.

"Where you going?" Louis asked me, chewing on the stick of his now gone sucker.

"I'm gonna go see when Chelsea is coming home, care to join me?" I joked, and Louis shot up, running towards me then stopped, laughing and sat back down.

"No love, you go ahead." He said, giving me another one of his .. "Louis Smiles". I rolled my eyes and started down the hallway towards my room to text Chelsea.

New Message To: Chelsea

Hey I was wonderin' when ur coming home? I can't take it anymore here without u! Brooke hardly talks to me .. because she's in her room either playing her Sims 3 game, or reading a new series of books. So, I'm stuck hangin' with the guys .. u owe me chelsea!

But, I love u anyway. See you soon -- hopefully.

I looked over the text once then hit send, watching the little blue words that said "Sending" flash a few times before a blue and white check came up, telling me it had sent. I nodded to the phone and threw it on my bed, waiting for it vibrate, signaling she texted me back. A few minutes later, it started to vibrate and I snatched it up pressing view.

Go to the front door.

- Chelsea Baby xx. :)


I looked at the text confused for a moment, before shoving the phone into my back pocket, slipping on my purple, black and white Osiris's and ran to the front door, getting a few "Where are you going" 's from the guys, I ignored them and opened the front door, seeing Chelsea unloading some suitcases from her rental car.

"I thought your parents were driving you!" I shouted at her, seeing as she was a few yards away. She laughed and ran a hand through her blonde hair.

"I took a flight back!" She shouted back, and that was all I needed to go running towards her and jumped into her arms, she hugged me back, then set me on the ground laughing.

"I miss you so much Chelsea!" I told her, and grabbed one of the suitcases she had near my feet. She laughed again and took her bag, and her other suitcase shuting the rental car, and the driver started to pull out of the driveway.

"Miss you too sweetie. Now, where are those delicious boys of mine?" She asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement. I hit her arm playfully.

"One's off limits." I told her quietly and she stopped me from walking, her mouth in a little 'o'.

"Which one?" She squealed, I smirked at her and shrugged.

"If you can't tell me which one, I might just take him!" Chelsea teased, but probably had a good idea of which one I liked, even though I hadn't told anyone yet, not even him.

"Oh, and I need to tell you something later." She whispered to me, before she stepped into the house, and was greeted by five boys who yelled her name. I smiled and shook my head, she was back. I was back -- well, my other half was back, so I am too.


Okay, I tried to drag this chapter out as long as possible and I wanted to leave a tiny cliff hanger, and I'm guessing you guys can guess who she likes. *motions for you guys to all chorus in saying his name*

-nods- Exactly. Haha, anyway, I'll upload either later on, or tomorrow. Oh, and I probably won't upload Monday because I'm getting my expander out. AHHSJAHFDJHFSDH. I'm scared. Anyone ever had an expander? If so, and they've taken it out, comment below and tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how much it hurt. Greatly appreciated. :)

Oh, I need a few comments and at least 7-10 votes. I was nice and uploaded a chapter even though I only had 3 votes on Chapter 15. I felt in the giving mood.

Ok Bye, THANKS FOR READING! - It makes me happy.

- Michelle xx

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