LWTG - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

- 1 Month Later; After the tour in London -

Zayn's P.O.V

"Someone needs to get Zayn up or we'll be late," I heard Liam's voice announce through the wall next to my bed. I sighed, knowing if I didn't get up now, Louis would come in here and start jumping on my bed.

"I'm up, I'm up! Don't worry!" I shouted enough for them to hear me, knowing that most of the guys were probably next door in the kitchen eating breakfast. When I didn't hear a reply, I walked over to the closet that was on the oppisite side of the room. Props of having your own room? Not having to share with the guys who turn their rooms into a swimming pool of dirty and clean clothes.

I picked out a plain white t- shirt, some grey jeans, a red varisty jacket that had "ZM" on the right side, and some white supra trainers. I started to peel off my clothes I wore to bed, one by one, then putting on the clothes I had just picked out. As soon as I was done doing that, I walked over to the dresser that had my hair products, cologne, and any other essentials a guy needs. I sighed, picking up the comb and brushing my hair up into it's regular height, then adding some gel, making sure it was perfect.

I slipped on the jacket, then picked up my phone from my bedside table, walking into the kitchen where Liam and Brooke were sitting, eating -- oatmel? I think.

"Hey, anymore oatmel left?" I asked, walking towards the fridge with a quick glance at their bowls.

Liam's face scrunched up, "This isn't oatmel, I think it was supposed to be eggs and bacon, but Louis blended them. So, this is the only stuff we had left in the house."

I made a disgusted face too and looked at Brooke who was staring down at her bowl of brown mush, "Is anyone going to the store?" I asked, looking at the clock above the stove that read 10:08.

"Yea, Niall and Kayles left a few minutes ago," Liam said, pushing himself up off of the stool he was sititng on, and threw his bowl in the sink, then clapped me on the back before retreating to the living room where Harry was on his laptop.

"Hey Brooke," I said, smiling as I took the place where Liam was sitting. Brooke glanced up at me, then flashed me a small smile before looking back down at her bowl.

"What's wrong?" I asked, she looked up again, her eyes brimmed with fresh tears. I sighed.

Oh gosh, here we go again, "Let me guess, it's about the Harry and Leigh thing -- isn't it?" I asked, and soon regretted it as she bit her lip and nodded, blinking as the tears spilled over the edges of her eyes.

"Brooke. Me and you, and eveyrone in this house know their just friends. If you like him THAT much, why not just ask him out?" I suggested, shrugging.

"I did," Brooke whispered, her voice small and broken. I sighed and looked at her intently before getting up and wlaking around the counter that was seperating us.

"It'll be okay." I said, giving her a small sideways hug, and I could swear her mood brightened up a little, but I brushed it off.

Harry's P.O.V

"Left, Left, NO NO, right, nooo, I said left you idiot. STOP STOP .. UGH. This is freaking annoying, I should have never agreed to play with Liam." I thought to myself as I watched my car spin off the road in this stupid video game we were playing. See!? That's how interested I was in it, I didn't even know the name of the freaking game.

"C'mon Barry, get your freakin' car back on the road." Liam said, clicking some buttons on his remote control, making his car do this fancy front flip, then land perfectly on the road infront of him, I rolled my eyes and sighed, consentrating on my loosing car.

"It's not my fault, it's the stupid cars fault." I mumbled, furriously pushing the B button down, trying to make my car move a tad faster.

"That's not gonna work." I heard Leigh's voice ring in my ears. My head immediatly whipped around to find her face scrunched up and looking at the flat screen, her brown eyes glistened as the reflection of the TV reflected off of them. I gave out a huffy chuckle and turned back to my game. I swear, if that guy doesn't make a move on her soon -- I will -- wait, no I won't. I respect my friends, I wouldn't do that to him. Although, he needs to grow some balls and just ask her out already!

"Turn left Harry!" I heard Leigh shout, as I was snapped back into reality from my thoughts. I nodded and focused on the game.


Chelsea's P.O.V

I looked back at my mom, the new twins who were born just 6 months ago in her arms, sound asleep. I looked up at the terminal that I was about to enter. A small smile played at my lips as I raise dmy free hand a waved to my mom and stepdad.

'I love you guys.' I mouthed to them, then turned around and slowly walked towards the airplane to find my seat. B12. Okay, B12. Don't get distracted -- Ooh! My shoes really need to be cleaned when I get back ho-- wait, what did I just say! Don't. Get. Distracted.

At last, I found my seat and was glad it was the one that was next to the window. I smiled as I put my luggage in the overhead compartment and sat down, my ipod and phone in my hand, along with about three magazines as a cup of coffee. I put the earbuds in my ears, making sure the volume wasn't so high that people around me could here.

"Hi," I heard a male voice say, just as the captain was speaking over the speaker. I took one earbud out and smiled up at the boy with light brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes.

"Hello. Are you sitting in B14?" I asked polietly, he nodded and sat down in the seat that was one over from mine.

I smiled, and tapped my foot to the music, flipping the page of my magazine. I looked back at the boy who was sitting a seat from me, and saw him playing around on his laptop. I looked at his features, his light brown hair, the chocolate eyes, the slightly crooked nose, and the .. freckle, right. beneath. his. chin. I gasped and he looked at me and raised my eyebrows. I laughed slightly and waved it off. He probably didn't reconize me, I mean, I did get contacts, and I did dye my hair blonde over the few summers that we haven't seen him -- wait .. why was he even here? On a plane, going to San Diego?


Why hello there people. I am soooo soooo soooooooooooooooo sorry for not uploading. I've been busy lately. Dx Also, I started a new story called 'Brand New Day' it's a werewolf romance, you should check it out. :) Anyway, I didnt do this in Leigh's(Kayleigh) P.O.V because I thought I should put other prospectives in here. Also, thank you too, SameeraBby-shaikhMer for saying that there should be more Zayn, that's why his P.O.V is at the beginning of the chapter. Ok, I have a 4 day weekend, so I'll probably upload more this weekend.

Thanks for your patience guys!

- Michelle xx

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