Chapter 13

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I know its been what? Three months? Whale den, I'm sorry... I know it might seem fishy, but I broke my phone and It was unusable and in order to get it fix I had to do things and was awful... Ok now I'll scale back on the fish puns... NOW INTO THE STORY!!!


I began to wrap his inquiry, not noticing that he kept getting closer... And closer... And soon he kissed me...

I didn't know what to do...
~~~Your Pov~~~

As we pulled out of our kiss I noticed that his blonde hair was sorta covering his crystal blue eyes it took me awhile to remember what just happened.

I totally forgot that he just kissed me... 'Does that mean he had feelings for me all along? Or did he do it as a mistake? What am I going to tell Ren if he found out... We were getting pretty close and I'm pretty sure he was going to ask me if I'd be his girlfriend... WHAT DO I DO NOW?!?!' I thought as I stood there frozen. After awhile I decided what to do, I ran. I ran all the way home.

I could here shouts from behind me I'm pretty sure it was either Matt or Ren, they where trying to catch up to me but as soon as I got into my house I locked the front door and flopped onto my bed.

"Dangit Matt!!! You made my life so much more difficult!!!" I yelled at my pillow in between sobs. "I'm gald that you are alive, but..." I trailed off. I herd a knock at the door, "Go away!!!" I yelled in response.

There was another knock, but this time it was followed by a voice, "Y/n, what happened? Are you ok?" I could tell it was Ren.

'Sh*t what am I got to do?' I thought and a slowly walked over to the door, on the way I grabbed a pair of sun glasses and slipped them on. "Ren, what's up?" I shot him a sly grin trying to act like nothing happened.

"Y/n, what happened? Why did you run away?" He asked, he was obviously worried about me. I can't believe I lucked out with him, wait but what about Matt?

"I was so exciting that I... Umm..." I looked around my room and picked up a camera, "I had to grab my camera so I could save this memory forever!!!" I smiled hoping he would by it so he wouldn't question me any further.

"I'll drop it for now but I'm asking you later but let's get back over there!!!That Tokisaki is actually really cool," he replied and we walked back over there and this time I had a the camera with me, that way when they asked me why I ran home I just said I wanted to grab my camera. I honestly just wanted to sit in a corner in my room eat ice cream and watch Dan and Phil being dorks. But I couldn't which made it even worse. When Ren and I returned to the house just as I expected, everyone asked me why I ran home.

"(Y/n) What happened? Where did you go? What's wrong?" Mrs. Wonders kept asking me a bunch of questions which I simply answered with, nothing is wrong I just wanted to grab my camera, which was actually far from the truth. She called everyone over for the picture, had Mrs. Wonders hold the camera and take the picture. I stood next to Matt and Ren. "Everyone say cheese!!!" She yelled and took the picture I told her I'd give her the photo as soon as I could.

"Mrs. Wonders, I'm gonna go home. I am really tired and this was a bit unexpected. I wish I could stay, but I don't wanna fall asleep on you guys," I told her smiling and trying my best to go home but she didn't want me to leave.

"Oh, its fine if you fall asleep her if you'd like," she smiled. My smiled dropped for a second then came back.

'Can't she see that I wanna go home? I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE IT'S TOO AWAKWARD HERE!!!' I screamed in my thoughts sorta hoping she could hear, but she couldn't. "Ok, I'll stay. But, I need to grab a few things from my house first. I'll take Ren with me too..." I quickly say and Ren heard me say his name and came over.



Ok, so... This has honestly been done for a week... But, I needed to edit it and add meh comments to it but, I've been so busy and stuff that I haven't had time to edit it... Also my birthday is coming up!!! (It's on March 12 and its March 2 when I'm gonna publish it) Also also, I gonna be doing another book because I'm Hamilton trash as well... It's gonna be a one shot book and I think I'm gonna do it today so you guys and look forward to that as well ^-^

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