Chapter 3

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So I know in most x Reader stories they don't have a guides... so just so you know the most used ones are going to be (FN) First Name, (LN) Last name, (F/C) Favorite Color, and (F/F) Favorite Food (Don't ask...) there might be some other ones add through out the story but you'll know what they mean... hopefully... Anyway... hope you enjoy the story... (っ^▿^)~Danny ♥

P.S. I have no idea what to do for this chapter... sooo sorry if this is short... pulse I was talking to my friend and I turned on the TV and got distracted and didn't really feel up to writing but my friend is making me... THANKS MATT!!! I see you over there... reading... -.- And no I'm not Stalling... Maybe... ANYWAY!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter... DANNY AWAY!!!


~~~Your Fabulous Pov~~~

The bell rang signaling the end of PE I was sad I didn't want to leave Haruto we have been there for me for everything... Crushes... Deaths... Family issues... Friend problems... A lot of deaths... but now it was science (My all time favorite class!!!(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥) I walked all the way to class glad that lunch was next so that I could finally eat I was Starving I walk into the classroom and I see Matt waving at me (Hey Matt 0-0 yes Matt my friend is also in this story...) "Hey (FN)~Senpai what's up?"

"The Sky..." I said then grinned at him and he laughed.

"You got me there... anyway are you ready for science?"

"Yes!!! I love science!!!" Matt was my science partner so we sat next to me and we are also pretty close so I told him every thing that has happened to me today.

"Dang... You have had a full day so far..."

"Yeah not really to happy about it... I don't know Haruto has been a really close friend to me and he tells me not to hang out with Tokai and Tokisaki (Btw I'm surprised I spelt Tokisaki's name right...) but they seem really nice to me... I mean I haven't gotten that close but still... they seen nice enough..." Matt doesn't really trust or like Haruto sooo I knew his advise would be one sided...

"Well you know I don't really like Haruto so I cant help you much... but I advise you to get to know them just a little more and you decide for your self if you think they are trust worthy or not... I mean it is your life you should live it the way you want to live it..." I smiled at him... he always knew what to say.

"Thanks Matt~Senpai... You always know what to say!!!" The bell rang signaling that class was about to start and the teacher walked in.

"Hello class so today Blah... Blah... Blah Blah Blah..." Mrs. Drum Went on and on and I just spaced out.


~~~Third Person Pov (Lets see how bad I can fail at doing Third Person for the first time...)~~~

As you where spacing out while Mrs. Drum was teaching you did see your 'Visitor' at the window staring at you it was... Haruto this was his free period so he didn't have to worry about missing class he looked at you and sighed happily and then looked at Matt and Growled at him How dare he fill my sweet, beautiful (FN)~Senpai's head? Doesn't he know who he is dealing with? He Growled again I'll just have to end his life... He grinned just thinking of all the ways he could get rid of him...

Matt looked at (FN) while she was spaced out and began thinking I wonder why Haruto wants (FN) to stay Away from Tokai and Tokisaki? The seem like chill dudes from when I talked to them unless... He looked at the window and saw Haruto staring at (FN) and quickly looked back at Mrs. Drum hoping that Haruto didn't see him good thing he was to busy staring at her to see him I knew he had a thing for her but... this seems a little much... he looked back at (FN) and quickly wrote her a note witch read: "Hey (FN)... do you like  Haruto?" she wrote back: "As a friend of course!!! I know you don't like him doesn't mean I don't..." "I mean more... like are you willing to date him?" "You know I don't like to date Matt~Senpai..." He sighed and wrote back: "ok thanks..." he crumbled the paper up and put it into his pocket and smiled at (FN) as Haruto watched in anger and thought: HOW DARE HE PASS NOTES TO MY (FN)!!! He growled and walked away plotting the different ways to kill him and was glad to do so and grinned as he chose a way...

Matt Thought: I always had a feel that Haruto was a......................



I am so glad that this is finally over... Don't get me wrong I love writing but I could think of anything for the life of me...

Matt: Danny are you really going to kill me off?

Me: Uhh...

Haruto: You should... he is a jerk -.-

Matt: HEY!!!

Me: ok, ok... no fighting and Matt I cant say... I hate spoilers...

Matt: -___- urrrgh...

Haruto: HA!!! I'm going to kill you!!!

Me: HEY!!! I NEVER SAID THAT!!! HARUTO SHUT UP >-< wait... where is Tokai and Tokisaki?

Tokisaki: Over you forgot about us... ;-;

Tokai: Yeah... ;-;

Me: hehe... sorry... ANYWAY now that I'm done messing around... I really hope you liked this Chapter... this was so hard to make sooo sorry that it might seem like its a filler... but at lease I tried!!!

❤Stay Awesome!!! ❧Danny ❤

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