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So I know in most x Reader stories they don't have a guides... so just so you know the most used ones are going to be (FN) First Name, (LN) Last name, (F/C) Favorite Color, and (F/F) Favorite Food (Don't ask...) there might be some other ones add through out the story but you'll know what they mean... hopefully... Anyway... hope you enjoy the story... (っ^▿^)~Danny


~~~Your Pov~~~

I was walking to school when I got this weird feeling of someone watching me... I looked around but I saw no one in sight so I brushed it off and continue walking until I got to school I looked at my watch Oh shit... the bell is about to ring I have to hurry!!! I ran all the way to my first period class and just as I sat down the bell rang Good timing... The teacher started teaching math then there was a knock at the door so he went to open it and to every one's surprise it was a pair of twins one with black hair and icey blue eyes and the other with brown gingerbread hair and blue-ish green eyes (I like the gingerbread headed better... ~.0) at the door.

"Hello~" the said in unison.

"Oh hello... you must be the new students... I'm Mr. Chase... please introduce yourselves..." Mr. Chase said.

"Hello, you beautiful people~ I'm Tokai Koyama!!!" the black haired student stated in a childish way.

"And I'm wonderful his brother~ Tokisaki Koyama!!!" the gingerbread haired student said also in a childish way but when he said his name the jumped up and down.

"And we are... Twins!!!" they said in unison while jumping up and down in an really childish way.

"well its great to meet you two... feel free to sit next to (FN) over there" he pointed to me.

Tokai sat to my right and Tokisaki sat to my left. I smiled at them... Dang it... I don't need to twins sitting next to me... I need to focus on my studies!!! I decided to talk to them so I didn't seem to rude... "Hey... I'm (FN)..."

"Hai (FN)~Senpai..." Tokai said then smiled a huge smile at me.

"Tokai~Kun I'm glad we where able to sit next to someone of such beauty!!!" Tokisaki whispered to his brother I could still here him and I blushed a little.

"I know Tokisaki~Kun... and look at her beautiful face right now..." after Tokai said that they both looked at me in unison and I blushed a little more and tried to ignore them put they just kept whispering things during the entire class and kept looking at me then the bell finally rang and everyone started packing up.

"Bai~ Tokai~Kun and Tokisaki~Kun" I said then I ran out to my second class. Finally... I can focus on my next class with out them whispering behind me... I walked in and sat in my seat then got out my supplies for art class while humming a song then the teacher started talking about the art project coming up then there was a knock at the door...

"That must be to new student..." she said then opened the door with a smile "ahh... you must be Tokisaki Koyama... I'm Mrs. Nelson, I'm glad to have you in my class!!!"

"Oh no..." I whispered under my breath as Tokisaki walked in and introduced himself with out his twin and than he of course sat next to me... "Hey Tokisaki again..." I said then smiled.

"I didn't know you liked art (FN)~Senpai..."

"Yeah... I love art... Or at lease I did..." I whispered the last part so he didn't hear me. Mrs. Nelson gave us our partners and of course she paired me up with Tokisaki but because our class was now an odd number I also got one of my close friends Kaoru Kawai or as I call him Kaoru kawaii (xD I had to...) so it wasn't all bad.

"Ok when can we all meet up for the project?" Kaoru asked.

"How about my house... tonight is that ok?" I asked.

"Yeah sounds fun (FN)~Senpai" Tokisaki said.

"Yeah I'm down..." Kaoru said.

I gave Tokisaki my address and number just in case and then the bell rang and we all went to our classes...


Ok I hope you liked it!!!

Tokisaki: Danny~Chan do you really like me better than Tokai~Kun?

Me: Uhh... Maybe Tokisaki~Kun...

Tokai: Ooo... Tokisaki~Kun you date Danny~Chan and I'll date (FN)~Senpai

Me: HEY I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO DATE TOKISAKI~KUN!!! He is just cooler than you...

Tokisaki: Ooo Danny~Chan told you!!!

Tokai: -_- Shut up Tokisaki~Kun...

Tokisaki: Make me...


Anyway... I hope you liked the first Chapter!!!

❤Stay Awesome!!! ❧Danny ❤

Insane Love (Yandere Male x Female Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant