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Adelaide Kaine as Lily


"I'm sorry sir. If you don't take her in, then she will be sent to live with a foster family."

"Are you sure there are no other options?"

"Yes, I have already checked. You are the only living relative."

With a great sigh, General McKain stood up from his desk  which was strewn with various documents. His chair scraped lightly against the hard wood floor. He walked over and stood looking out of the window. His gaze fell on the dorms that at this point were empty, but soon would be full.

"Okay." He reluctantly agreed.

He turned to face the man that had brought this predicament to him. Upon entering, he had introduced himself as Mr. Gerston. He was a rather short and plump man with a heavily receding hairline. Compared to himself, he looked as if he could be a midget. General McKain was a tall man standing at 6'6. He had deep brown hair that was peppered throughout with gray.

"I'm glad that you could do this. It is so much better for the girl." Mr. Gerston stated as he rose from his chair and went to shake General McKain's hand.

Without any more words being exchanged General McKain shook Mr. Gerston's hand and watched him as he left. After the man had left, he returned to his seat behind his desk,  his head buried in his hands. He had never expected this. Never. He was not ready for this.


"Lily, Lily! Come downstairs!" 

"I'm coming!" I yelled as I jogged downstairs to meet my mother who had been yelling for me.

"Your Dad and I are going out for dinner. You wanna come?" She asked.

"Nah. You two go. I'm not that hungry, " I replied.

"Okay. I'll have my cell on if you need anything, " my mom reminded me.

"I know."

My mom smiled at me. We went though this routine every time she left the house. You could say she was a little protective and worried easily. My dad on the other hand was a lot more laid back and easy going.

"Bye, Lily. Be good, you know all that junk." My dad said as he kissed the top of my head and left arm in arm with my mom.

"Yeah, yeah. Have a good time." I called to them as they got into their car and drove away.

'Hm.... What to do?' I thought to myself.

Well after maybe a grand total of two seconds, I ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed the remote to my stereo and turned the volume up to the max. I immediately grabbed my brush, ahem, microphone. I love turning my stereo all the way up. My parents always complain about how loud it is then make me turn it down, but they were gone so it was gonna be loud. I loved the way it made the walls tremble and the floors shake.

About an hour later, I had completely tired myself out. You know pretending to be a rock diva is very tiring. I twitched my stereo off as I trotted downstairs and into the kitchen. The minute I opened the refrigerator, the doorbell rang.

'I don't want to buy any stupid subscriptions!' I thought as I opened the door.

How I wish it had been a salesperson. Standing in front of me were two cops. One was a man that looked to be in his early forties, and a woman that seemed to be in her mid thirties.

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