Excerpt of Make Believe (Pretend Series, Book #2)

Start from the beginning

“Interesting, so she’s happy with the whole arrangement?”

“Yeah, it was perfect, she knows that you’ll be back in a month, and she’ll be gone by then.”

“Sounds too good to be true but I’ll take it anyway,” he chuckled.

“There’s not much that you wouldn’t take, let’s face it.”

“Hey, that’s not true; I don’t take orders from Jess, no matter how hormonal she is-”

“Excuse me?” I tried not to laugh too loudly when I heard Jess’ voice in the background.

“Where did you come from? I thought that you were upstairs getting dressed.”

“Oh, I bet you did.”

“Someone’s in trouble,” I laughed.

“Shut up,” he mumbled down the phone.

“What did you say?”

“No, not you baby! I’m on the phone.”

“Oh, I know that because I heard your little conversation about my hormones!”

“It wasn’t a conversation, just one sentence-”

“Shut up, Anthony!”

“Err, yeah I’m going to have to go, catch you later,” he stumbled before the line went dead, and I was left laughing to myself in the car.

A sudden knock on my window startled me. When I looked up it was Leah.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said as she moved a few stray strands of brown hair from her eyes. I could see the slight hint of a smile on her face but I could tell that she was trying to hold it back.

“You didn’t,” I replied as I stepped out the car, clearing my throat. “Morning.”

“Morning,” she said as she bit her lip and averted her blue eyes.

“Ok, maybe I was a little shaken up-”

I was cut off as she let her laugh loose, bringing a slight smile to my face.

“Sorry, I’m not usually a victim of laughing fits. I was a little early and saw you sitting in your car. I didn’t know that knocking would scare you so much.” The smile on her face was making no effort to hide anymore.

“Well at least its day one and you’re smiling, got to be a good sign, right?”

“Right,” she replied as we walked through the automatic doors.

“After you,” I said, gesturing towards the doors with my hand.

“Thanks. This is a classy place. I didn’t expect it to look like this when I came the other day,” she breathed as she looked around as though it was the first time that she was seeing it.

“Yeah, most people don’t. We wanted to be different.”

“You achieved it, I love it.”

“Thanks,” I smiled as I looked around.

When Ant and I first drew up the plans for this place, we decided that it had to be different, and it had to be right. We wanted to give every client an experience. The only problem we had back then was that we had a big dream with little funds. So as you can guess, it was like all of our Christmas’ had come at once when Murphy’s father offered to be a silent partner, and silent was exactly what he was. He was there in the beginning, gave us a bit of advice and of course a huge cash injection but other than that he was pretty much the invisible man. He even asked us not to share his involvement in the business with Murphy. He said that he wanted us to do well but did not want Murphy to think that he had some part in it as a result. We kept to our side of the bargain, he kept to his, and things have been working out ever since.

“I’m sorry, Aiden, I told him that you were busy this morning but he insisted on staying,” Lisa – the receptionist – stated as she rolled her eyes at a smirking Murphy.

“Indeed he did,” Murphy replied as he winked at her and then pushed himself up from the counter.

“It’s ok, Lisa, thanks. You, my office, now,” I said as I gave Murphy a reprimanding look.

“Yes, Daddy,” he said as winked at Lisa and walked boldly towards my office.... 

* * * *

So, there it is the original first draft of an extract from the NEW book - Make Believe! Don't forget to let me know what you think by leaving some comments below???? And vote if you enjoyed it! The FULL book will be out on MONDAY 20TH JANUARY 2013 and available to download from Amazon as an ebook! Don't forget to pencil the date in your diaries!! xxxx

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