Chapitre Sept: Homme Masqué

Start from the beginning

I smirk and write again on a piece of paper Who is this Erik you speak of?  Erik is gone, Erik is not here and send it down again.  She lets out another huff and picks it up reading it to herself then placing it in her pocket looking up at the rafters again.  "Fine Erik if you don't want to talk, than don't talk.  Tomorrow you better be ready to explain," she says before walking off of the stage and out of the theater.  

I roll my eyes and mutter, "Oh Madame Giry je pensais que vous étiez plus intelligent que cela." (Oh Madame Giry I thought you were smarter than that) before turning around and going deeper into the shadows as I make my way to the roof once more.  

I arrive on the roof in record time, but when I arrive I feel another presence with me and I sneak behind a gargoyle.  I turn my head slightly so the other person could not see me but I can see them.  The figure sat atop another gargoyle looking off into Paris night.  It was large, definitely male; and had a long black cloak on which covered half of the gargoyle.  If you looked close which I did you can make out hair as black as night combed back.  It was hard to see the face because it was faced in the opposite direction of me.  I sat there imagining who this mystery figure must be, until it let out a deep voiced line, "Ah so you have come to the roof tonight.  I suspected that petit fantôme." (little phantom) 

My breath hitches and my hand instantly goes to the knife on my belt, the knife that scarred my face.  I take a step back going more and more into the shadows, the shadows comforted me, welcomed me like a warm hug.  

"No need to be afraid of me, I will not say a word to a soul.  Who would I say it to anyway," the figure says it's back still facing me.

I raise an eyebrow deciding to take a chance and talk to the figure.  I let out a sentence my voice flat, "How did you know I was going to be up here."

"Ah so the petit fantôme can speak," it says chuckling slightly.

"Call me petit again and you will have a knife to the throat and I won't think twice about killing you," I say staying to the shadows but now I am only a few feet away from the figure.  

"The little Phantom is feisty isn't it," it says I can feel its smirk without even seeing it.

My temper snaps with that one word it.  I lunge towards the figure my knife to it's neck as I quickly pull it off of the gargoyle and onto the flat roof digging my knife into their neck more but not breaking skin.  "I am not an it Monsieur.  I am a she, I am a human being not an it.  You call me it one more time and I will kill you twice instead of just once," I growl into their ear.

I see the man smirk, "Okay what ever it says I shall do."

I growl at the man and push him to the ground my knife still on his neck.  The next thing happens in a blur.  At first I was the one holding the knife the next thing I know I am on my back my knife on the opposite side of the roof and I am faced with a masked man panting looking into my eyes.  I realized who I was looking at The Phantom of the Opera.  The one and only Phantom of the Opera.

"I do not like people mocking me, petit fantôme.  I advise you to go home, take off that mask and stop pretending to be me because you aren't!  I will give you one chance once I let go of you you are to go home and forget about this.  If you don't well you will have to find out what happens and I promise it will not be pretty," growls the phantom who lets go of me.

I stand up brushing myself off before speaking, "No."

"What," he ask in disbelief turning back towards me.

"I said no are you def?  I will not go home, because I have none.  The Opera House is my home now.  You will have to learn to share it or you can leave yourself," I say almost growling.

He takes one step and he is in front of me, "Don't mock me girl or that will truly be your last sentence."

"I am no girl monsieur, and I won't leave this Opera House," I now growl at him.

"Take off that mask and leave.  You are not me, stop trying to be me," he says forcefully lunging towards me trying to take off my mask.  I yelp and jump back away from him reaching up to my face to make sure the mask is still there, and it isn't.  I look at the ground about a foot away to see the mask thankfully it didn't shatter.  I lean towards it my hand covering my face as I aggressively try to snatch it off the ground.  But I was too late, he kicked it farther from me glaring at me thinking this was all an act when it in fact was not.

"Stop mocking me stop acting girl.  You don't know my life, you don't know what lays beneath the mask.  You have no right to mock me," he says walking towards me every step he takes towards me I take about ten more back until I hit a wall.

"Do you ever think about anyone but yourself.  That maybe this isn't an act, that maybe I actually need that mask for a reason," I shout at him on the verge of tears.

He clearly notices it as he eyes change from anger to hurt and sadness as he takes a step back from me, I collapse on the ground covering my face with my hands.  I sit there crying like that until I feel a presence next to me, the Phantom sat next to me holding my mask in his hand offering it to me.  I grab it quickly out of his hand turning away as I put it on.  I feel him watch me as I do it wonder and sadness swimming in his eyes.  After it is on I stand up quickly and compose myself, with the mask I feel more confident and stronger. 

 I look at him as he stands.  I swallow before walking away from him and towards the edge of the roof.  Not even looking at him I bluntly say,  "I rather be left alone right now."

I hear him behind me sigh, "I am sorry, I did not know.  I thought you were just acting to get attention."

Anger builds inside me as I turn to face him, "Well it wasn't an act!  It was real! All of it was, is real!  I am not going to tell you again! I want to be left alone! Go! Go now! Leave me," I scream at him and turn back to the edge of the roof anger reflecting off of my eyes.  At this moment all I want to do is smash or kick something, which I do. But not until I feel his presence leave me.  He never said anything, the only thing that showed he was gone was the lack of presence on the roof as I turned around a kicked a window shattering it, nothing was left except the frame.  No one awakes from the sudden sound, it is left unnoticed and never fixed.

I'absence de préavis et d'attention peut conduire un homme à la folie.

Look With Your Heart and Not with Your Eyes- Phantom of the Opera FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now