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a/n; i decided to add something to make the story more interesting so ayy here we gooo

tyler was on his couch, listening to music while on his phone. he decided to text melanie, because they hadn't talked in a few days. it was kind of weird that melanie and tyler hadn't spoken in a few days because they would usually speak everyday.

tyler; hey mel!
tyler; how have you been?

tyler closed out of the messaging app, deciding to check other social media while he waited for melanie to respond.


its been five hours since tyler had texted melanie, and she hasn't responded. it was pretty weird to him, being that melanie would 95% of the time respond right away.

was melanie mad at him? was something wrong?

tyler; mel?
tyler; i hope you're not mad at me, im sorry if i haven't really talked to you in the past little while. ive been busy. but ill totally explain if you want?? im sorry:((


its been another 30 minutes, melanie hasn't responded. where the hell was she?

tyler; are you ok mel? im worried.

maybe he should try calling her.

incoming call from tyler.

"hey! its melanie martinez, i cant get to the phone right now.. but if you leave a message ill get back to you ASAP!!"

"hey mel, are you okay? ive texted you like a lot and you haven't answered. can you call or text me? i just wanna make sure you're okay. bye!!" tyler sighed, ending the call. he was really fucking worried.

"please be okay." tyler whispered to himself, turning over and pressing his face into the pillow.

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