
273 17 2

a/n; ok so since this is switching around from omniscient to limited kinda idk. the = symbol will be a pov switch.

josh quickly entered his dorm, setting his bags onto the table.

he pulled some of the items out of the bags, putting them either in the fridge or in the cabinets. then, he got the other bag, smiling as he left the dorm.


tyler sighed, closing his fridge. he has been out of food, but he's too lazy to restock anything.

'maybe ill just eat out tonight.' he thought, grabbing his wallet and keys.

before tyler leaves, he decides to take his glasses and a book so that he could read while he waited for his food.

he opens the door, taking a step out as he feels something under his shoe. looking down, he sees a small box.

tyler grows very curious, his face hot and a little anxious. his mind raced with questions. what is it? where and who did it come from? did someone drop it...?

he picks up the pink box, walking out to his car. he would open it when he got home.

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