Chapter 《5》

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I never really noticed how cold my bed was now that he wasnt in it. It smelled like him. My sheets were drenched in his smell. That alone wasnt enough.

I missed him, his hair, his eyes. The way he would cling onto me like his life depended on it as we slept. I miss holding him.


It was only 3:21 am and i was wide awake. I had the pillow buried in my chest as if it was him. I threw the pillow aside and got up. I pulled up my email inbox.

Dear Uchiha,

We would love it if you come to our grand opening, and display a new book of your as our guest of honor. We are providing you with a plus one, so you may bring along your husband if you like.

Sincerely Deidaras Explosive Art


Dear Sasuke,

We heard about what happened a while ago,such a traumatic things should not fall upon a young child. Please take this as a touken of our gratitude. We pray for only happiness. They say fire will only destroy what is truely unnecessary. Take your husband with you.

*coupon to Jiriyahs hot spring and spa*


closed my lap top. Everything i did was with him. Even my career involves him. This sucks.


"You look amazing." A man says as he walks up to me

I straighten my tie a bit and take a sip of champagne, "thank you."

"Wheres your husband?" He ask

I choke a bit before replying, "he, couldnt make it." I say and look down

"Oh i see." The man says and walks away

People have only been looking for Naruto, guess i have no choice. I pull out my phone and it rings for a moment. I wouldnt be shoked if he didnt answer.

"You got nerves calling." He say

"Can i ask you for a favor?"


That damn Uzumaki will learn not to hang up on me.

I call back one more time. "Please dont hang up." I manage to say before he spouts out nonsense, "everyone at this party has been asking for you and its really annoying so could you make an appearance, you dont have to stay with me-

"Excuse me, yea sorry." He laughs a bit "Continue." He says to me

"Are you out? I can call back later." I reply feeling my chest tighten.

Hes probably having the time of his life til he received my call.

"Continue." He says again

"Could you come so they stop asking about you?" I ask and look down

I slowly begin to walk towards the bathroom waiting for his answer. A shoulder bumps into me.

"Sorry," Naruto says as his voice echos through the phone before he hangs up.

I look up and notice his standing beside me," i didnt mean to bump into you." He says as he walks away

He was here. Before i had asked him to come he was here. Im black slacks, and a white button up with a vest on. To think he looked good as a business man was a understatement.

"Mr.Uzumaki, you made it." A woman says

He smiles and picks up a glass off the tray of a waiter. "Hello sir." The man smiles as he walks away

"Naruto!" Another man smiled

So many of my friends loved him, and here i am, watching from afar as he could be happy when he was in pain, and i cant even smile.

I slowly began to make my way to the door when a hand grabbed mine "where do you think your going Uchiha. " Naruto smiled as he pulled me back into the crowd

His hand was so warm, it felt so nice.


We walked out the double doors after the party ended and he immediately let go of my hand.

"I didnt do that for you, i did it for your career, if the public found out that we broke up you would never hear the end of it." He said and walked away

Broke up? So its really over.

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