Chapter 《2》

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Beep beep beep!

"Please evacuate through the side doors or emergency exits."

I sprung out of my sleep, red lights flashing through the room making it hard to see. The smoke slowly filled the room.

"NARUTO!" I yelled

He jumped and notice what was going on. "We need to go!" I yell over the alarm

He nods and we head to the door, as i place my hand on it my skin burns. I jump back. Its no use.

He opens the patio door and looks down, were 9 stories high. We cant jump. The fire trucks pulls up and the room is gray tented from all the smoke.

My knees give out and i cant stop coughing. "Sasuke!" Naruto cried as he runs over to me. He ripps off his shirt and covers my mouth and nose so im no longer breathing in smoke.

"Hey, hey, hang on!" He says and drag me outside to the patio. His eyes were red and he was hyperventilating. I raised my hand. Hoping to touch his face and call him down but i blacked out.


Steady beeping. So annoying. "Are you ok?" Tobi ask i he notices me gently opening my eyes.

"Wheres Naruto?" I ask and begin to sit up

"Please just go to sleep." Tobi says and pushes me back down

My heart speeds up and i jump out of my bed. Immediately i fall to my knees, and Tobi catches me. I slal his hand off of me. Hes the last person i want to see right now.

I slid along the wall no knowing where he was, but i sure as hell was going to find him.

"Room 18." Tobi said as he leaned against the door or the room i had just left.

I looked at the numbers. 11. 12. 13. My heart sped up as the numbers raised and when i got to 18 i placed my hands on the door. I want to go in, but for some reason im scared.

In this very room, everything could end, one breath and his life could slip in this very room.

I took a deel breath and opened the door. He lay there. Paler than the bedspread. Bandages around his forehead and along both his knuckles. He had a oxygen tank beside him and a small tube going up his nose. He had  a mask covering his face.

He couldnt even breath on his own.

My eyes began to burn just looking at him. I walked over to his bed and placed my hand on his, trying to be a hero. He got hurt.

"Hey, Naruto. I got you some green tea for when you wake up." A red head says as he walked into the room.

"Who are you.?" I ask

He placed the tea down and sits beside the bed. "So your the asshole he saved during the fire." The red head says ignoring my question

"What do you mean?"

"The report say that Naruto dragged a male out of the room into the smoke, while keeping the male from breathing in smoke after realizing they didnt have much longer in the room. After getting the male out to safety the patient refused any medical assistance til the male was in recovery. Patients waited far to long to under go care as is permanent damaged, heart and lungs. Going to make. Recovery, check in every few months blah blah" the red head replied as he dropped the medical report down

I felt my heart drop. He didnt get help for himself til i was ok.

"Oh, and as for who i am. Im Narutos husband, and ive come to take him back to Japan."

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