Sasuke Gets A Cat

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"Love you too." I smile as i hang up the phone.

Naruto has been calling me no stop lately, i wonder whats up.


I felt my heart skip a beat as i looked around.


I bent down looking upder trucks, and behide the trash can.


I looked down at the small black kitten brushinf itseld against me. I smiled and picked it up, "do you not have a home?"


"Well you can come home with me, Naru will love you." I reply and begin to walk home


I put the cat down as i lock the door. "Sasuke, is that you?" Naruto calls from my room

"Yup" i call back holding my laugh in. Hes going to love it

The cat walked around a bit then sat on the floor by my legs. "Meow"

Naruto walked out and his smilw dropped "what the hell is that?" He says and points to the cat

My smile drops as well, "its a kitten, though you would like it."

He walks away, shooting daggers at the cat the entire time. "Naruto!" I can pick up the cat. He slams the door and locks it

I sigh, "well kitty. Its just you and me."

I rub my fingers along it back and it purs into my chest. I turn the tv on and hear the door open. "Naru?"

He ignore me and stares at the cat before going back. I dont get why he doesnt like that cat.

"Your sleeping on the couch." He says and walks away

"Wait! What!" I yell

But i dont get up, the cat was fast asleep on my lap.... dont tell me, is he jealous of a cat!? I laughed a little bit. God he needs help.


I slept on the couch like i was told and when i woke up the cat wasnt there. "Neko!" I call for it and snap my fingers. Did Naruto do something to it. 

He opened the door, and puts the cat on the floor "keep it off my bed." He snaps and closes the door

"Ah! Kitty, i missed you." I smile and yell in the direction of Narutos door

He throws the door opens and walks into the kitchen and grabs a tomato...the last one.

Hes a bully. "I love you neko neko!" I says and brush my nose against the cats

I look up at Naruto who is giving me the Uchiha glance, almost like mine.. hes mad.

"NEKO NEKO, I LOVE YOU!" i smile

His eye twitched. He grab the cat and puts it out side "hey!" I yell

He throws himself into me, "dont fuck with me." He whines

"But the cat." i tease

"You dont need the cat, you have me." I replied

"I cant pet you." I say

"You can." He whispers

"And i cant hold you in my lap."

"You can."

"And i cant kiss you to sleep."

"You can!" He yells and puts his head into my chest.


"FUCK THE CAT!" he screams and pushes me away "you have me why do you need it?"

He got a bit teary eyed and i felt my heart throb.


"Please dont replaced me, i dont want to leave. I dont want you to leave me. I love you, so please. Dont make the cat your number one." He looks up and begins to cry

I felt my face heat up. This was so damn cute. He was crying over a cat. Because he thought he was going to be replaced.

He gets up and walks away, but for some reason i cant seem to just let him go, it hurt my heart too much.

"Narruuu!" I yell and grab his waist and pick him up and take him to the bed room

"Wai- stop."

"I missed you! And i cant please myself with a cat."

"Sas-u-ke. No!- you bastard. You tricked me."

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