Henry and Fletcher join in, and soon the boys dancing around the fire howl louder. But the drumming and singing stops when a familiar tune starts, Pan's tune. Henry frowns, he knows what is being played, but he cannot hear it, everything around him is silent. But he forgets his own thoughts when he notices Tahlia listening to it intently.

"You can hear it?" he whispers to her.

She looks at him with sadness in her eyes, yet she does not speak, nodding slightly before turning to look at Pan. Henry tosses his sticks to the side and stands up before walking hurriedly into the forest.

"Henry!" Tahlia yells in a hushed tone, following after him. "Henry stop, you'll get lost in here!"

Henry stops in his tracks and turns to look at her, she stops a metre from him, yet can see the anger in his eyes clearly, burning brightly in the darkness of the night. He does not speak at first, but soon the words come tumbling out.

"You want to be here, don't you?"

"I mean, I don't mind being here, but that doesn't mean I'd rather be here than at home," she answers.

"Well you're obviously confused as to where home is if you can hear that stupid song!" he shouts.

"I know where I belong Henry, Peter's just doing this to mess with your head, that's the type of guy he is!"

"How am I supposed to believe anything you're saying when you're hiding things from me?" he asks.

"Hiding what?" she asks, frowning.

"If you know where you belong then why are you lost?" he demands, she turns away from him. "Tahlia just tell me for christs sake!"

"Fine! When I killed Jadis and Jack, it felt good, and something inside me wants to kill again. That's not me Henry, something is wrong with me and that's why I'm lost!" she screams.

Henry looks at her in shock, not knowing what to say.

"Now just go back to camp, please," she begs, her voice dropping.

Henry nods and walks away, not wanting to argue with her anymore.

"So, you're finally admitting it, huh?" Peter questions from behind her.

"Why did you do it?" she asks, not wanting to turn around and face him.

"Do what?" he asks innocently.

A look of anger crosses her face as she turns to him, "you played that stupid song!"

"I was just helping you admit what you didn't want to," he says.

"For what? So I'll stay here? Because it's not going to work this time, Peter," she hisses, stepping closer.

The smug look on his face disappears, "so you can get help," he says softly.

Tahlia frowns, "what do you mean?"

"I know I'm not a good person, but you were the only one who cared even after everything I've done. And frankly, I don't want to see you turn into me," he admits.

"Who are you and what have you done to Peter?" Tahlia teases, and Peter laughs lightly.

"Don't tell anyone I said that, got it?"

Tahlia smiles and nods, "I'll just tell them you were being an ass and trying to piss off Henry," she decides.

"I was also doing that," he admits.

Tahlia shakes her shakes her. "What will happen if I don't make it?" she suddenly asks, the smile on her face disappearing.

"Oh, shut up, you won't die, you never do, Peter states, rolling his eyes.

Tahlia tries to smile at his sarcastic statement, but she cannot, "I think I'm going to go and sleep," she decides.

Peter nods and she walks past him. When she arrives back at camp, Henry is not there, she looks at Fletcher, and he nods to his tent. Tahlia nods in understanding and mumbles a goodnight before walking over to her own tent.

Yet, when she wakes up, Henry will be gone.

The next morning, Regina arrives back at the hospital before anyone else, she sits in her same seat, her hand holding Henry's tightly.

"This is why I told you not to trust her," she says softly, brushing some hair from his face. "But I promise I will try to keep her alive, for your sake."

She leans forward and kisses his forward, a tear falling from her cheek hits his skin. She sits back up and looks down when suddenly she hears a gasp. She looks up quickly, Henry sits up, breathing heavily.

"Henry! Oh, thank god you're okay!" Regina sighs, hugging her son tightly.

"Mum, I have to wake Tahlia up, something's wrong," he says quickly, but Regina pushes him back.

"No, you need to rest for a few days before you are allowed to get up," she says stubbornly.

"But you don't understand! Tahlia's not okay, she's stuck in Neverland and it's messing with her head," he begs. "Please, let me try to wake her up."

Regina sighs, "sorry Henry, she'll be okay for a few more days, you can wait."

Henry lets out a shaky breath as he lays back down, and a moment later, Dr Whale enters the room.

"You're awake? How?" he asks, stunned.

"I kissed his forehead, I suppose it's because true love's kiss breaks any curse," Regina shrugs.

Dr Whale nods, agreeing with her claim.

"Hopefully that means we can wake Tahlia up in a few days, but then again, true loves kiss might not work on her," he frowns.

"Why not?" Henry asks quickly, sitting up much too fast and instantly feeling dizzy.

"It's a Narnia spell, remember, things work differently over there, and because it doesn't affect you like it does Tahlia, true loves kiss may not affect her like it does you," he explains. "Now go back to sleep, you need rest, we'll try tomorrow."

But Henry cannot sleep, his mind racing with what might happen to Tahlia in the days to come.


yo fam, another update.

Updating every day and writing more chapters will mean that the chapters will be a bit shorter, but I am aiming for every chapter to at least be 1.5k + words.

Also, damn that confession, what do you think is going to happen to Tahlia?

QOTD: do you like the way I've set out this chapter?

AOTD: well, technically books are supposed to be written like this, or in a similar way. But this is also easier and neater so I like it.

I'm so tired and I have to work in a few hours

but only 6 more days until Christmas!

I'm aiming for the book to be finished by/on Christmas eve, like a week of Christmas writing, but not a Christmas story if that makes any sense?

I have 4 more shifts (and one more paycheck aye) until Christmas #hellaexcited

also, dear the one reader who's actually reading this story, thank you, this one's for you!

ily all, bye!

~chloe x

Word Count: 1566.

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