Right Or Wrong

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Viktor x Punk! Reader

Requested by: AnimeX-NarutoFan

Sorry I kinda changed it a bit ^^;; and yes it's from the episode of where Viktor and Yuri have their little moment on the beach hehe.


Your hands were stuffed into your pants pockets, your hoodie covered your face as your head faced the ground floor. You stared down at your boots, they were pitch black with straps and clipped buttons. Your (e/c) eyes followed each step you took until you came to a sudden halt.

You hear the sound of the ocean being pushed by the strong breeze onto the sand, the calling of the seagulls as they flew across the sea, it wasn't exactly considered to be your personal getaway, but you could stand here admiring Mother Nature for a least a couple minutes.

As you were currently looking out to the ocean, you narrow your eyes to side before glimpsing away and then glimpsing back to see a familiar face standing a metre away from you. You blink twice before realising exactly who this person is.

Your facial expression instantly turned from calm, to anger as you marched over to the male while shouting; "Hey you!"

Your loud voice instantly got the silver haired man, also known as Viktor, attention as he looked over to you, who was already standing a couple inches away from him.

"Oh, a fan. Would you like an autograph?" Viktor said as he pulled out a signature pen from his pocket and held it up in the air, you quickly snatched the pen off from him and threw it over your back without a single explanation. "I'm not a fan and I don't want your stupid autograph! You're Viktor Nikiforvo right?"

Viktor was just completely confused from what just happened as he looked helpless right now. "Yes?"

"You really suck at ice skating you know that? You let Yuri Plisetsky beat your highest record just like that. I hope you're feeling really disappointed right now."

Your punky-ness and rude talking/attitude made Viktor curve a smirk on his lips, as a hand cupped around your chin and held/squeezed your cheeks tightly, making your face form a funny facial before lifting your face right up at him as his ocean blue eyes stared deeply into your own (e/c) pair.

"So you are a fan, and what makes you think that he has already won? There's one last competition, you know that right?" His lips looked more like a devilish smirk than just an ordinary one but you still had some talking back in you.

"I am not a fan, and yes I know that but your cockiness always gets the best of you and you end up disappointing so many people. You're probably gonna come in second or third place if you keep that up."

"Don't touch me." You said while slapping his hand away from your face before taking one step back and looking directly into his eyes with your frowned eyebrows and angered eyes.

Viktor makes a huff sound from his nose before turning away with an already pivoted feet. "I'll like to see the look on your face when you realise how wrong you were, so I'll be looking out at the crowd for you." He says and gives you his signature wink before departing away from the beach area.

Your faced looked furious right now, you wanted to teach him a lesson so badly but you held it in and just simply shouted back; "Don't worry, I'll be there." before also departing away back home, ready for another day of right or wrong.

An important drama here:

I would like to also point out, the cover for this book is made by me. 'Some' people are taking it and saying they found it somewhere else, NO!
It took me so long to make a perfect cover and I don't want it to be stolen or used by anyone else.

If you see anyone with my Viktor x Reader cover, then please block and report them <3 thank you and love y'alls.

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