Chapter Two | Agreements

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I've decided not to include Yuri Plisetsky in these chapters since he's too much to handle ^^;

Also, I was this close to shipping Yurio with Yuko but she's married and has kids :'(

Cursive writing with apostrophes: 'Thinking'


Finally reaching at the top of the stairs after literally climbing it like a mountain, your head continued to feel unsteady as you were processing things and had so many questions to ask.

Steadily walking down the hallway until you reached the guest room which Viktor had already obtained. You peek your head over and saw Viktor inspecting the room as Makkachin sat beside his owner. "This is quite a cute, causal room." He said before beaming a satisfied smile.

'He is for real..?'

'I cannot believe him!'

The second you could properly think, your parents comes budging into the guest room, which is now Viktor's room, carrying his suitcases and bags, causing you to lose balance from your hiding. Honestly, your parents are the worst at this moment.

"We bought up your stuff..!" Your dad nervously says before placing his receptacles down on the floor.

"Oh, thank you! You didn't have to do that." Viktor winks, as that was a common and usual gestures but your parents didn't think much of it that way, as your mom nearly fainted with an almost nosebleed, and your dad couldn't help but shade a faint red across his cheeks.

"It's alright! We'll get going now..! Please, make yourself at home." Your dad addresses to Viktor before exiting out whilst aiding your mom alongside. Leaving you standing there, just completely ashamed of their unnatural behaviour.

You sigh in annoyance and see that Viktor hasn't noticed you yet. So, without another single hesitation, you enter his room, already prepared to speak with utter actual and proper thoughts and questions as you have regained all consciousness and musing.

"Viktor." (Y/n) strongly pronounce his name which instantly gets his attention.

"(Y/n)! This is a very cute little room. I've never spent nights in ones like these before so I'm excited to experience it at night." Viktor makes his statement which you just completely disregard, before speaking up again. "I want you to listen to me."

Viktor slightly arches an eyebrow before firmly crossing his arms. "Go on then."

You inhale deeply before exhaling out your words in a serious tone of voice. "You're telling me, you came all the way from Russia to just bring me back to ice skating?"

With a single nod, Viktor replied. "Exactly."

"Are you insane? You know I left ice skating for good, Viktor! I'm never going back." You proclaim and await for a decent answer from him.

"Well, I think very differently of that." He replied very simply and confidentially which left you in confusion of his words. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you miss ice skating and you want to go back."

"Why on earth would you think that?" His argue to that actually made you kind of nervous.

"Because, I want you to tell me without a single hesitant, that you enjoy and love your current lifestyle more than you did when you were ice skating." That statement completely froze your words. How did he get me that quickly? Biting down on your lower lip, you couldn't help but hesitant on that and you know it will leave you thinking continuously about your lifestyle.

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