Chapter 4

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(Hey guys! I'm so so so so sorry I haven't updated in about a year! I lost my inspiration to write for a really long time and when I regained it I became super busy with school. Anyways, here's a new part for you to enjoy and hopefully I'll have another one up sometime soon!)

     The next day after I got ready I went up to Alex, "Hey, um, I don't think I'll be staying with you guys for very long. My friend said I could stay with her and her family for a while until I graduate from school and after that I'll just find someplace to go."

      "I understand. I can't tell you not to go because it's whatever you want to do. It's just the fact about you not knowing where you'll go after you get out of school. Just promise me you'll text me and let me know how you're doing and if you don't find anywhere to go you're welcome to stay with us," Alex said and gave me a hug.

      "Thanks. Is it ok if I stay with you guys until you leave for the next stop on the tour? My friend is getting my room ready and it'll take a while since she has to clean," I said awkwardly. The truth is, I don't have a friend to stay with. I never talked to anyone outside of school except for Jason, and there's no way in hell I'll stay with him. I guess I'll just get a cheap apartment somewhere and try to survive paycheck by paycheck.

      "C'mon," Alex said breaking me out of my thoughts, "I want you to show us around the city since you've lived here forever."

      "Yeah just let me grab a jacket," I said and went to grab it. I walked back into the room after to see all of the guys standing in a circle dressed to perfection.

      "Don't you think you'll get some attention wearing that?" I asked to no one in particular.

      "Nah, people will probably be too busy to notice who we even are," Rian said and flashed his signature smile.

      "Yeah well this isn't New York City. Not as many people walk the streets here and that makes you more recognizable when you pass someone," I said and crossed my arms.

      "Oh c'mon. You can't tell me that St. Louis isn't a booming city," Jack said.

      "No not really. I don't see why people would want to come here for vacations besides to go to a Cardinals game or a Blues game. There just isn't that much to do."

      "Maybe to you since you've already done it all multiple times, but to tourists it's a new experience. They're taking in all the new sights and making memories," Zack said. I nodded knowing he was right.

      We left not too long after and I took the boys to the City Museum. The boys were amazed with a lot of the things there, like the giant pencil and slide they have. I can't believe I'm actually having a great time with the guys. I'm actually a little sad I'll be leaving them.

      "Where to next, Rose?" Jack asked me and linked our arms after we left the City Museum.

      "Um... I honestly don't have a single idea. I don't get out that much here so I haven't seen most of the sights."

      "Well, how about we go to the Arch? I mean that's what most tourist do when they come here so why not," Alex said and called a cab.

      "Sure, just don't be surprised if I cling onto one of you. I'm deathly scared of heights," I said and looked down at the ground.

      "It's ok, I'll stay down with you," Alex said.

      "No, no, no. You don't need to do that. I'll be fine by myself. It'll give me a little time to look around without the constant fear of dying."

      "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you by yourself with all of the creeps that are around this area," He said with a worried glance towards me.

      "I'm sure. Go. Have fun. Be a tourist," I said and motioned for them to go up. While they were gone I took the opportunity to look around the city and actually see how beautiful it was. At first glance it just looks like a whole bunch of buildings closing in around you. In reality it's so much more. Families walking around the sidewalks, tourist snapping pictures, and the huge rush of sports fans running to get to the game on time. I realized then I couldn't leave the city with the boys no matter what. This is home not matter hellish it was for me the past few years.

      "Are you ok Rose?" Rian asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

      "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about home," I said with a smile.

      "You ready to go back to the hotel?" Zack asked.

      "Sure," I said, "It's actually not a far walk from here, just a block away."

      On the way back there the boys kept talking about all the fun things we were going to do the next few days. I had no idea how to break it to them I wouldn't be joining them. I guess I'll just have to come out and say it.

      "I'm not going on tour with you guys," I said, interrupting Jack and Rian's argument about which donut is better: jelly or plain.

      "What do you mean?" Zack asked.

      "I can't go on tour with you guys. I don't want to be a bother and I just have too much of an emotional tie to it. I'm sorry," I said.

      "Don't be sorry, Rose. Where will you stay, though? Do you actually have a friend to go to or where you just making that up?" Alex asked.

      "I was making it up. I don't want to leave here and forget about everyone and everything that happened here."

      "I'm sorry, but I won't allow you to stay in this city by yourself homeless. I would die if that ever happened to someone I knew and had a chance to stop it and didn't. You're coming with us Rose. We won't let you forget about your sister or anyone else here that is important," Jack said.

      At this point I was crying, "Thank you," I whispered and everyone gathered me in a group hug.

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