Chapter 1

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(Hey guys! Here's a new story I have for you. I'm going to try something new this story... If any of you people who are more creative than me could create a cover of this story for me I would love it! Message me and I will give you my e-mail to send the cover to. Thanks!!!)

      "Mummy where are you going?" I asked my mother as she turned to walk out the door.

      "Mummy is just going for a drive to clear her head. I'll be back soon," She said and gave my sister and me a kiss on the head before she walked out of the door. Being the ignorant child I was, I ran back to my room and started playing with my dolls again like any six year old would.

      My mom never came back that night. The police came to the door the next day and said my mom was killed by a drunk driver that night, right in front of the Thames River. My dad shut the door in the officer's face and walked upstairs without talking to my sister and I. Five minutes later I heard a gunshot and ran upstairs to my parent's room to see my dad's head obliterated and his pistol laying mere inches from his hand. We, my sister and I, were packed up and sent to live with our aunt in The United States of America. The only thing I knew about the States was what I've seen in movies. Glamour, betrayal, romance, danger. In all honesty I was terrified to go. I had to go live with a woman that I haven't met in my entire life and from what little I heard about her from my mother, it was great that she lived an ocean away.

       "Do you think mum will be with auntie?" Eliza, my little four year old sister asked.

      "I hope so," I replied, not knowing about our mom's untimely fate. We boarded the plane to St. Louis the next day. My little Dora the Explorer backpack with me and Eliza's Minnie Mouse doll in her arms. I played with my dolls the whole flight and even talked to the lady who was next to me. She had a collection of dolls and said I could see them sometime if my aunt allowed it and went with me. I shudder at the thought now since a month later I saw her in the news convicted of kidnapping.

      The plane landed and I marveled at the sight of what St. Louis looked like. London certainly didn't have an arch that big! We had a little snow globe that had one in it, but nothing like this! "Do you think auntie would let us go up on that thing like mum and dad did when we went to Paris?" Eliza asked.

      "I don't know 'Lizie, maybe aunt will and maybe she won't. We don't know what she's like," I said. Now that I look back, Eliza and I were exceptionally well at speaking for a four and six year olds.

      "Darlings," Aunt said when we got off of the plane and into the terminal. She didn't sound the same as us. She had a little bit of the accent that we did, but it mostly has died down over the years that she has been living in the States. I smiled up at her and Eliza hid behind me.

      "Sorry for asking, but what's your name?" I questioned as we were walking to the baggage claim.

      "You girls can call me Auntie Darla," She responded and walked ahead of us in her fur ensemble. I stared at her and wondered where she got such things. Mom never wore such things when she was alive. She always had cheap hoodies on no matter the weather and never complained about the cold. Auntie Darla, on the other hand, complained as soon as we walked outside. I was getting ready to walk over to one of the shuttle buses when Auntie directed us towards a limo that was parked by the curb.

      "I've never seen a car this big before," Eliza said in amazement while Auntie Darla chuckled at the statement.

      "They're everywhere over here sweetheart," She said and climbed in when the driver opened the door. As we pulled of I got scared because the drive pulled onto the wrong side of the road.

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