Chapter 3

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(Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a little while but the WiFi at my mom's house hasn't been agreeing with my computer. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!!)

     My shift was finally over after having to call the police when a fight broke out after the Blues game was over. A Blackhawks fan started taunting a Blues fan and a huge fight broke out with bottles being broken and used as shanks. The four guys at the table left ten minutes before that so they didn't get hurt. I was getting ready to leave when Darren, the owner, came up to me.

      "Hey, this was on one of the tables. It has your name on it," He said and walked away.

      "Thanks," I replied and walked out the door. I opened the paper up and saw it was the receipt for the four guys at that table. On the back of the receipt was a number. Me being me, I decided to pull out my phone and call it.

      "Hello?" A voice said on the other hand.

      "Hi, um, this is Rose. The waitress from the restaurant," I said.

      "Oh, hey Rose!" The voice said, "The guys and I are at a bar not too far from there. Do you want to hang?"

      "First of all," I said, "I don't know you that well. I don't know your name, I only have seen you once and spoke to you to just get your food and drinks. Second, I'm out past my curfew. I will get killed if I don't get home soon. And third, I'm seventeen. I'm underage."

      "Oh," Was all the guy said.

      "Now I have to go so I can get home," I replied and was about to hang up.

      "Wait! Let me walk you home. I don't want an underage girl walking home by herself. My name is Alex by way, Alex Gaskarth," He said like his name meant something.

      "Fine. What bar are you at?" I asked.

      "The one across from Hooters," He said. I hung up and started walking towards the bar.

      I got to the bar and saw Alex standing outside. I walked up to him and tapped my foot.

      "I have to get home soon. My aunt will kill me. C'mon," I said and started walking. I looked behind me to make sure he was following.

      "How old are you anyways," I said rudely.

      He looked taken aback and said," I'm twenty-seven. Well, I will be in December, I'm twenty-six right now."

      "You're nine years older than me and you wanted me to come to a bar with you," I responded.

      "In my defense you look like you're twenty-one," He said and put his hands up.

      "Well, I'll be eighteen next week so you weren't that far off," I replied.

      Not too long after we arrived at my street and we saw cop cars and ambulances in front of a house and the road was taped off with police officers standing behind the tape.

      "I'm sorry, but this street is closed," One of the police officers said.

      "We live on this street. What happened here?" I asked.

      "Five people were killed. The gunner shot himself when he heard us coming," The cop said and let us through.

      We started walking down the street and I stopped when I saw the house that all the commotion was coming from. Five people dead. Eliza.

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