He smirked. "We match," he stated simply. I let my eyes wander down his body. He was wearing a suit, and it did match mine.

"Why do I feel like the two little elves over there had something to do with this," I laughed, narrowing my eyes at Celeste and Marlee.

Delancy giggled.

I turned to her. "Well your wearing the same dress as us in silver, how do I know you didn't have anything to do with this."

She shrugged.


I was smiling so hard right now. I had gotten Avery for my secret Santa. Which was helpful because I know a lot about her. I got her a fancy silver he jacks with blue gems in it. It was from the royal jewel room back at the place. My sister said I could look there for my gift.

I had wrapped it and put a bow on it and was now placing it under the giant Christmas tree. In about 5 minutes they would be calling us up one by one to get our gift from our Secret Santa.

............."America Singer!" Miss Silvia called. I rushed over to her and grabbed my gift. It was a small package, but it was beautifully wrapped.

I unfolded the wrapping paper without ripping it and held a small jewelry box in my hand. It was white and polished, and had my hand carved into it. I opened it up and there was a silver chain necklace and a pair of ocean blue teardrop earrings. There was a note too.

Earings the color of the ocean
Like your eyes

-From Prince Mason of Dakota

Oh my god. That is so sweet. I can't believe Mason bought this for me. He is so nice. But for some reason I felt bad for liking the gift. Maybe it's because I like someone else. And this gift wasn't from him.


We were all huddled up around the Christmas tree in Maxon's room. We each held a gift for every one else in the room.

We handed out the gifts and size each others gifts up. We each opened a present from soneone first. I ended up opening mine from Marlee. She got me a silver heart pendant with princess on the inside, not the outside carved into it. I would put it on the gold chain Mason got me. Then I could have it everywhere I went.

Next was Celestes gift. SHe got me a blank notebook with song writing pages in it. There was already bars and things like that in there and all I had to do was fill in the notes. It was a very thoughtful gift.

Next was Carters gift. He got me a coffee mug with don't let the music fool yah, she might hit you over the head with a violin written on it.

They all laughed because I knew they got it. (I also know that Marlee picked it out and Carter took credit for if)

Delancy got me something that seemed like nothing to the rest of our small group, but meant a lot to my. It was a pun with the Carolina Kingdom family emblem on it. It meant A lot because you only got one when you wee considered a true member of the family.

I gave her a hug and she returned it.

I was really excited to open Maxon's gift and even more excited to give him a gift if his own. I had gotten him a new camera that wasn't supposed to come out for another month. My sister and James pulled some strings in Italy with Princess Nicoletta that I don't think The royal family could have even pulled off. And now I sat with a new hi-tech camera on my hands.

I handed it to him and greedily excepted the gift from him.

"I have two gifts for you," he whispered. "I want you to open the other one in private. Just me and you."

I nodded and began tearing at the wrapping paper on the average sized gifts. It was a........box.

"Geeze, thanks Maxon. I always wanted a box for Christmas," I teased.

"Just open it America," he laughed.

It was a violin. It was made of Brown polished wood and was beautiful. I propped it on my shoulder and played a note with the bow. It made such a smooth and Beatiful noise. It was easily the most wonderful violin I had ever had.

I started lightly playing holy night on the violin. Smiling like a maniac as I played. It sounded less like a beautiful orchestra. I loved the gift because I've never had a very nice violin. It's always been whatever instrument I could afford with my performances.

I opened my eyes when I finished to see Maxon smiling widely, and taking pictures of me with his new camera. I
Blushed and put down my new violin.
We just smiled at each other. He pointed towards outside and gets up a small wrapped box. I nodded and we walked to the door.

He handed me the gift and I gently opened it. It was a REAL GOLD bracelet with real diamond studs decorating it. It was so pretty and I couldn't believe Maxon bought me this. I smiled up at him and head out my hand. He clasped the bracelet around my wrist and smiled goofily.

"Thank you Maxon," I whispered. "I love it. I'll treasure it forever. It will be part of my daily uniform."

I kissed his cheek and went to join my friends, who were singing Christmas carols softly and laughing together.

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