Shino X Oc

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Sorry for not doing your request so far but I will get them out this idek popped in my head and I think its so cute!

Based of my nickname from when I was younger

Anime: Naruto

Takes place: when they were little kids

Sorry for not doing your request so far but I will get them out this idea popped in my head and I think its so cute!

Based off my nickname from when I was younger~

Anime: Naruto

Takes place: when they were young

Oc Info:

Name: Koneki Reika

Pronunciation: Co-neck-e Re-ka

Name meaning: A/N just a cute name to me

Sayuri (mother;alive)
Hiroku (father;alive)
Akio (older brother;alive)

Naruto generation academy student

Likes: butterflies, ladybugs, flowers (her favorite is light blue rose), sweets, nice people, the stars and clouds, Fairy tales, her family and friends.

Dislikes: spicy food, mean people, thunderstorms, creeps, falling.

Personality: is sweet, is normally quiet but can be talkative, innocent, ignorant, CLUMSY, happy-go-lucky, is basically a Loli.


Has very long silver hair that's pulled into pigtails. She has two-tone blue and green eyes and wears a mid-calf length white dress. For accessories she wears two small bundles of light blue roses with some baby's breath in her hair at the top of her pigtails and toward the ends of them. She wears a budded vine of light blue roses around her right hand, and three larger blue roses at the top left corner of her dress. She hardly ever wears shoes but when she does its a pair of white flats that have a light blue rose on the toe. She's short, as in half a foot  shorter than Shino.


Story start!

(((Its Saturday! No academy)))

Third person POV

"Mama!" A little girl around the age of six giggled as her mother was tickling her. "Stop it! That tickles!" She continued in her fit of giggles. "Alright alright, Sayu remember, Akio will be home from his mission soon."

"Ah, yes Hiro I guess he will. I should make some tea!" Koneki's mother replied to her father. "Yay! Aki-nii is coming home!" At that both Koneki's parents start chuckling. Akio soon returned home, waiting at the door with his arms open, knowing his beloved little sister would 'hug attack' him. That she did, only more powerful than he thought, she knocked him over. "Haha hello to you too imouto." He said petting her head after they had stood up. Koneki beamed up at her brother before dragging him off to the closet to get a board game, yelling "let's play Nii-san!" Akio happily agreed, grinning at his sister's enthusiasm

Out of the blue Koneki bolted up from her spot on the floor, and ran to the door, startling her poor brother. She opened the door and was on her way out when, "Ko-bug! Where are you going!" Sayuri called from inside. Still running Koneki replied, "Its butterfly day!" Her mother, knowing what she meant just nodded and asked Akio to close the door.

'I get to see the butterflies today!' Koneki thought. "Ooof!" She had ran into someone and she fell right to the ground. 'Grr, not again!' She yelled in her head. Looking over she noticed the person she ran into had fell as well, and upon further inspection she realized she knew him. In her daze she hasn't noticed he had stood up until a hand was in her face. She took the offer and stood up, brushing off her dress before bowing. "Sorry Shino-kun I wasn't watching where I was going." Unbeknownst to Koneki, Shino was blushing, though you couldn't see it much due to his trademark high collar. "Ko-bug?" Was what came out of said boys mouth, having heard what Koneki's mother called her. The young girl smiled and explained her 'odd' nickname to him. "Mama said that ever since I was little I loved to play with butterflies and other types of bugs, so she started calling me Ko-bug."

Shino, being from the Aburame clan understood this. He also recalled his bugs disappearing and returned awhile later telling him they were playing with someone, guess Koneki was that someone. Shino thought about the girls explanation.

"Koneki-chan, are you going to the butterfly festival?" The response he received was excited nods and an eager smile. "Yes! I can't wait to see them. Are you heading there too?" He gave her a nod and offered to walk with her, which she happily accepted.

The whole way there, roots where littered across the ground. Koneki gulped. 'I don't wanna make myself look like a fool in front of Shino-kun!' She looked down as she walked, paying careful attention to where she stepped.

"Koenki-chan," hearing Shino, Koneki looked up and tilted her head as if asking 'what?' "Why are you different from the other girls? They think bugs are weird, but you seem to like them?" Shino seemed genuinely confused. Koneki wanted to answer as best as she could, so she took her time in thinking of a response. Oh what a mistake that was, before she knew it Koneki could feel herself start to fall. "Ko-chan!" Shino exclaimed as he caught her. While Shino was steadying her, Koneki flushed from embarrassment.

"Ah! Sorry Shino-kun, but did you call me 'Ko-chan?'" Shino now realizing what he said blushing a pale pink.
"A-ah I-I guess I did." Koneki smiled at him. "Don't be embarrassed! I'm glad you gave me a nickname, now I get to give you one!" Shino's blush chenged from pale pink to a scarlet when he heard that. "Shi-kun, do you have a fever?" She asked while pulling him down, because he's a head taller, so she could put her forehead to his.
"Your heads not warm." She stated still clearly puzzled. She put her hands on his cheeks, moving his collar down so she could now she his mouth. "Your cheeks aren't either, that's weird. Do you feel alright
Shi-kun? Oh, your face is redder now, how weird."

"I-Im alright K-Ko-chan, but are you, you fell pretty hard..." Koneki started to giggle, "I didn't fall at all silly! You caught me remember!" Shino stood there for a minute internally cursing himself for forgetting, and also for his character difference. He doesn't really get why he acts so different around her. "Shi-kun, if we don't hurry we're gonna miss the festival!" Koneki said waving her hand in his face. "O-oh yeah, let's go." He said snapping out of his daze and starting to forward walk. Koneki followed concentrating on the ground once more. Shino noticing this, and remembered that Koneki was clumsy. He crouched down in front of her."S-Shi-kun! Wh-what are you doing."

"Get on I'll give you a piggy back." He replied simply.
"B-but aren't I heavy? It's okay I can walk." Koneki stuttered in embarrassment. "This way we can get there fast, and you won't fall and scrap your knee or anything." Koneki gave in realizing she wouldn't win that argument and climbed on his back, laying her head on his shoulder. With Shino's steady walk rocking her, Koneki fell fast asleep.

Shino kept walking, well aware of the cute girl sleeping on his back. He was extra careful to not wake her, finding her utterly adorable as she slept. A short while later Shino arrived at the festival. It was small, butwas hosted  it in a large field that had small hills all throughout it. Shino went to place a little ways away from the commotion of the stands and carefully laid Koneki down. He then sitting behind her crisscross so she could use his legs as a pillow. As the minutes passed more and more butterflies appeared and floated around the two. Just as Shino thought he should wake Koneki up, a butterfly landed on her nose. Her eyes fluttered open. Shino gazed down at her as she looked at the creature on her nose.

He couldn't help but think that she was pretty. "Thanks for bringing me here Shino." Snapping out of his thoughts his face erupted in a vibrant red. Koneki was hugging him, and he was hugging her back. "I-I like you
Ko-chan" Shino said looking down at her.

"I like you to Shi-kun!" Koneki smiled up at him before kissing his cheek, a light pink dusting her cheeks.

For the rest of he day they sat in that field, watching butterflies before Shino walked her home.

The End<3


So how was it? That was my first one-shot ever. I'm once again sorry that I haven't done the request I've received but I may take Black Butler off the list of animes, I haven't seen that much of it so they are really hard for me to do. Anyways! I believe I will dedicate this to shino_is_my_bae Onee-san you like Shino I think, so here ya go! Hope you and everyone else like it.


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