She played with her thumbs.

"Lauren look at me." I said strictly.

When she looked up her eyes were turning red and so was her nose. I guess she was getting ready to cry.

I sighed and ran my hand down my face.

"Look just to be on the safe side I want you and your sister staying here from now on until you get your own shit."

Lauren slowly nodded and walked off.

I shook my head and continued eating the breakfast. After that I went upstairs and got dressed. Time to get my day started.

I peeped into the guest room and saw Abby still peacefully sleeping. I closed the door and leaned against it.

For some reason it feels like everything bad is happening all at once. I ran my hands through my hair while sighing.

"Aye Lauren. I'm going somewhere. While I'm gone, Don't answer my door for nobody. Don't touch the air and don't go near my room. I got rules in this house and I expect you to following them."

"Yes sir father." I said sarcastically.

He simply walked pass me and out the door.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch while staring at the wall.

"What a great way to start my Christmas break off."




My crew and I decided to take a break from all the work and just smoke and talk.

"Y'all know what?" Tae asked while inhaling a blunt.

"What?" I said blowing smoke through my nose.

"I want a kid and wife."

We all busted out laughing.

"Nigga shut yo' high ass up." Pepper told him.

"Im serious though. Aye Ace you gotta' bitch you feeling?" Tae asked me.

"Nah. Not at all." I said being honest. I have hoes in and out of my house. But I will never hold a hoe down.

"A nigga is starving." Darwin said.

"Me too." Tae said.

"Pepper you wanna cook for us?" I asked looking at her.

"Hell no." She grabbed her car keys. "I'm out." She then left.

My stomach started growling.

"How bout' I order a pizza back at my crib?" I asked them.

"Sound good."


I was getting bored in this damn house.

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