“You’re hilarious. You know what I mean; why Danny?” Scott said.

“Maybe because he likes him, I don’t know. They haven’t really posed much of a threat since they got here you know.”

“Still, I get why Jackson would be worried.” Scott said, worry lines creasing his forehead.

“Would you stop? It will be fine. I’ve seen them around school and Ethan seems to really like Danny, why would he hurt him?”

“Good question.”

Isaac sighed and they kept walking. “Come on, let’s just get there and you can confer with Jackson all you like.”

“Not jealous are you?” Scott teased.

“Shut up.” Isaac rolled his eyes as they walked a few more blocks, the muffled sound of music only just being picked up by their werewolf ears.

“You think we should tell Derek about this whole Ethan and Danny thing?” He asked and Isaac groaned.

“Only if you want him to roll his eyes and walk away. Danny isn’t a member of his pack so he doesn’t concern him, trust me, Jackson has been over so many times trying to get Derek to do something about it because he doesn’t trust the other pack. I mean, Derek doesn’t either but he can't be trying to protect everyone. I guess in his eyes Danny is a better sacrifice than one of us.”

“Dude, that’s horrible.” Scott said.

Isaac sighed. “Maybe but I kind of get why Derek isn’t doing anything.”

Scott just gave him a horrified look and Isaac shrugged. Derek couldn’t be expected to try and protect everyone. His main priority was to his pack and if he showed the other pack that there were even more people that he cared about – or at least that mattered to his pack – it would mean more ways for them to get to him if they wanted to. If Danny was in some real danger Isaac knew that Derek would do something. At least, he hoped.

“Look, you can't protect everyone Scott.” He said.

“Well someone has to try.” Scott replied, vowing to himself that he would keep an eye on Ethan, even if Derek wasn’t.

They reached the old run down warehouse and stopped at the door, a few people walking in from the shadowy lanes with big smiles on their faces.

“You ready then?” Isaac asked.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with.” Scott said with a grin.

“Come on, come on!” Stiles called as he stood outside Erica’s house, leaning on his jeep while Boyd waited in the passenger side.

He was a little cramped and looked slightly annoyed but still he sat there quietly while they waited.

“Can you believe it? How long does it take to get ready for a rave for god’s sake?” Stiles muttered.

“Told you we had time.” Boyd said from the car.

“Yeah but seriously it’s going to be next year before we even get there.” Stiles said, tapping his foot and checking his watch again.

It was less than a minute before Erica opened the front door and closed it behind her. “Night mom!” She called in a sing song voice, knowing that her mother didn’t really hear her.

She held her new leather jacket in one hand and her purse in the other as she scampered effortlessly down the porch steps in heels that had to be larger than six inches high. She wore tight black liquid-look leggings and a black singlet.

Treacherous Affairs [Scisaac] Wattys2015 WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now