Segment 2: A Falling Farwell

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Simply a small gathering of close friends, and Jovie and her father. That is all there is to it. As the rained poured down, all of those who attended, wearing traditional dark colors, mourned and wept in their own ways.
Words were spoken, a silent vigil was held, but none of that would ever bring her back, especially as we watched as they slowly lowered her into the dark and cold ground. "May the Lord watch over her soul.." Those words echoed in Jovie's ear. Her father had his arm around her, together they dropped the first handfull of dirt onto her casket.
At that moment, the rain stopped and all went quiet. She could no longer hold back her pain and she shoved away from her father. "Jovie! Wait!" Her father called out to her and tried to follow, but he stopped and watched sadly. Jovie ran, continuing until she made here way out of the cemetery. She plopped down onto the ground and wrapped her arms around her knees. She buried her face away and wept, the breeze blowing leaves onto her figure.
"You are so brave, my dear day, maybe, you could pursue a career like your fathers..or, you could even be like me, my child. Then again, being whoever you choose to be, is the most important choice... "
Jovie shot her head up and gasped slightly, her breath heavy as she stood shakily and wobbled back, falling into someone's arms. Her father steadied her and turned her around, holding her shoulders gently in his hands. "Are you alright? You may catch your death of temperature..." He ranted but looked into her eyes and immediately softened. "I know hard.." He brought one of his hands to his brow and began to weep. Jovie gasped slightly then flung her arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder. "Daddy..I..I wish mom would not have left us..for the dead.."
They both stood by that freshly covered grave, the sun setting in the distance. Mr. Abbington put a single flower upon his deceased wife's grave. Jovie had spent her tears and looked at the dark earth that merely covered her earthly shell. After a sigh, from both of them, they turned and head to their car. Once they began their drive home, Jovie leaned back and closed her eyes, hoping that maybe sleep would let her mind settle.
She yawned and stretched, rubbing one of her eyes. She saw that they were pulling down the street they live on. Her father pulled into their driveway and parked the car. They both sat numbly for several minutes before he finally turned to her. "Jovie, my little girl..." He sighed then composed himself. "Your mother..was an amazing person..she, did not deserve to leave us so suddenly.." Jovie held her hand up and shook her head. "I don't want to hear all of this. Yes, we have the memory of her..but, she is gone..and there is nothing we can do!" Her tears came even though she refused to believe that they were there.
Suddenly, her father's fist slammed down on the dash of the car. Jovie gasped and stopped, her last tear falling on her lap. Mr. Abbington was glaring straight ahead and he turned, opening the door and standing. "Its my is all my fault.." He whispered and slammed the door, slowly walking to the house and closing the door.
Jovie sat in the car in stunned silence. Her eyes were watching the place where her father disappeared to. "Mom..this is goodbye..just know, I love you..and, so does he.." She said and she got out of the car and walked to the house, closing the door quietly behind her.

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