Chapter 21 - The Comeback of the Century (pt. 1)

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{~} Carlos {~}

I remained silent for a while, observing just how frightened Donovan appeared to be. He sighed to calm himself and muttered something inaudible. Going against my better judgement, I let curiosity take control anyway.

"Why are you so afraid of your sister, Donovan?"

"Who said I was afraid of her?" He responded after remembering that I was there.

Unconvinced, I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm not blind, you know."

"Maybe not," he said with a chuckle, "but you are extremely nosy."

Rather than contradicting what he'd mentioned, I decided it was best not to say anything at all. Guess I could admit that it was the truth.

Donovan waited and decided to continue once he realized I wasn't going to say anything else. 

"If you really must know, I'm afraid of Diana because she reminds me of our mother in a way. Someone whose temper can be quite deadly and, if you push far enough, life-threatening."

"How are you not dead by now, if that's the case?"

"Because ever since we were 11, she never had the courage to kill me. So for the last 5 years of my life, I guess she figured it would be a marvelous idea to put me through both mental and physical torture and then play the victim on the side." Resentment took over as Donovan gave the explanation. His fists had now literally been clenched beside himself as he tensed up.

Yet again, silence made its way through and he regained his composure. He then chuckled, almost as if he were trying to dismiss the emotions that managed to slip out without making it seem awkward.

"Just be glad your 'friend' likes you enough not to treat you the way I've seen her treat others," he said before leaving me there alone.


{~} Mal {~}

For the entire day, I found myself moping around the room Evie and I shared. She'd tried countless times to pull me out of that one space, but every attempt failed. It wasn't until she practically busted in around early evening hours that I considered changing my mind.

Behind Evie, I noticed that Lonnie and Audrey were present. The two looked as if they were currently frightened by something, which had me wondering what I missed out on.

"Mal, you'd better come take a look at this." Like the other two, Evie's eyes gave off a fearful expression as well. Something had definitely gone wrong and whatever happened must've been serious.

Currently sitting at a desk in the room, I hopped up from my seat worriedly and walked up to all three of them. "What happened?"

"Your mother is back," Evie replied and glanced at Lonnie and Audrey behind her.

"How is that–" I began, but was interrupted by her frantic response.

"Nobody knows for sure. There's a strong belief flying around that someone in Auradon helped her escape and return to her normal self."

Despite the fact that I had so many unanswered questions, I knew there wasn't time for them all to be asked. I followed Evie, Lonnie, and Audrey until they stopped at the outdoor lunch area. Practically the entire school body from staff to students were all present. Most of them appeared to be just as frightened as the three girls, if not more.

The four of us pushed our way to the front of the crowd and I literally froze upon taking sight of the scene in front of me.

I had, in fact, spotted Maleficent – my mother – from a short distance. She was in physical human form, and she actually managed to get her hands on Fairy Godmother's wand this time. My eyes shifted to Ben, who'd been bound to a tree by chains beside her. He returned the glance, which soon became more of a painful stare.

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