Chapter 6 - The Awkward Pair

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{~} Jay {~}

I saw her. She was sitting alone with a stack of papers stuck under the claw of her clipboard, all her completed pages beside her on the bench. Her expression displayed frustration as she impatiently tapped on the page with the eraser end of her pencil. 

Nobody took notice to her because she chose to separate herself from the crowd. There were benches located all around the school grounds, so it wasn't uncommon. 

Before I realized it, I had already made my way over to her. "Lonnie?" I called in surprise. 

She looked up and flashed me a smile with her teeth. "Hi, Jay."

"Uh, do you mind if I--?" I began, motioning to the open space to her left. 

"Not at all," she said, politely scooting over and shifting her eyes downward as she scribbled away. 

"So, how was the Tourney match?" Lonnie asked. 

"Victorious, as always," I boasted. 

She giggled aloud, and I couldn't help but to laugh at myself for the choice of words. 

"That's good." I nodded silently, intently watching her every move from the side. 

I seemingly favored Lonnie the most over all other students of Auradon Prep, but not just for her appearance alone. Her personality was one I knew I could get along with from day one of meeting her. I perceived many of the students in this school as being highly snooty and condescending; that's mostly what I witnessed, too, but Lonnie was much different than them. She was... normal.

"A picture might last even longer, you know." My expression shifted as if I were a deer caught in headlights. However, I tried playing it cool. 

"Sorry. I, uh-- I just..." I could not, for the life of me, create the perfect excuse. 

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and placed a hand on my shoulder in a calming way. I nearly jumped when she did. 

"Calm down, you don't have to apologize. Besides, I actually... enjoy the attention," she said in a tone that sounded like she was holding back a laugh. 

I sat in complete silence as I mentally criticized myself for bantering. I'd never been so nervous around her before, so why was I now? "...especially when it's coming from you." 

Snapping back into reality, I found that Lonnie had put her focus back on the clipboard lying in her lap. Unlike a few minutes before, however, her brown hair was swept to the side; specifically, the side where her face had been hidden from me. 

Although she succeeded in keeping her composure, the way her voice changed and lowered with those last words basically gave her away. 

With cautiousness, I reached for her hair and gently pushed it back, pinning some of it behind her ear while the rest collapsed down her back. Right at that moment, she physically froze in sheer silence. Her brown eyes, full of surprise and uncomfort, remained on her clipboard. A light shade of red colored her pale cheeks, the dead ringer of embarrassment or timidity.

A mischievous grin crossed my face as I continued to stare on. "Does my company really excite you that much?" 

Scooting a little closer to her, I managed to remove Lonnie's clipboard from her tight and slightly refusing grasp. It was only then that she looked at me, but it was just a simple glance. 

"Because, if so, then I'd gladly make time to find you. That shouldn't be too hard either, seeing as no other girl's beauty could compare to yours." 

By now, I was speaking into her ear in an extremely soft voice, which at first made her gasp. I was so close to her that every time I exhaled she seemed uncomfortable. I'm surprised she hadn't run by now. 

"Jay!" she cried burying her face in her hands. It was clear that she was drowning in embarrassment. 

"Have I ever mentioned that I have a thing for brunettes?" I asked, completely ignoring her. That's when she couldn't seem to take it anymore. 

Lonnie stood up and attempted to make a run for it, but I got a hold of her arm, stopping her in her tracks. 

With her hands no longer shielding her face, I could see that she'd become as red as a cherry. 

One tug was all it took to pull her back down next to me; before she could react any further my lips were already pressed against hers and I was holding her hand in mine firmly. 

Honestly, I was expecting her to stop me somehow, but much to my surprise, she didn't. I pulled away and gazed straight into her eyes. They were wide and less... paranoid. 

Lonnie wasn't over dramatizing it like most girls did. She did, however, end up speechless. 

The two of us remained where we were, her head resting on my shoulder as she stayed in her thoughts while my arm was wrapped around her. 

"Wait a minute, aren't people going to be searching for us?" Lonnie finally asked about 3 minutes later as she pushed herself upright. 

"Pfft. I doubt they even know we're missing in the first place," I reassuringly responded. After truly thinking about it, she lightly shrugged as if she were saying 'Oh well' and laid on my shoulder again.


A/N: Before you say I'm taking this too fast, just kindly consider that I slack alot on this project anyway and, therefore, have nothing to lose in speeding things up. Also, if the way I imagined this seems awkward, then it probably is because I felt strange for even going for it.

EDIT: (11/18/2017): Fixed noticeable errors with dialogue and paragraphing.

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