Chapter 1 - Another Typical Morning

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{~} Mal {~}

I woke up early in the morning to the sound of someone banging on the door to my dorm. When I looked over at Evie, she was still sleeping. She wasn't naturally one to sleep late, especially since she made just dressing up for school such a big deal for me and her. 

Whoever was outside of our dorm knocked a little harder this time. I angrily flipped my blanket off of me and, not caring for where it fell, slid out of my bed with a frown. "I'm coming!" I yelled.

Currently, I'd been wearing a black and green silky nightgown dress that Evie had created for me. I personally found it's design to be too girly at first, but it became one of my favorite things to wear later on. My purple hair had been messy from all the tossing and turning of my nearly sleepless night. 

I made my way over to the large, chocolate brown door and swung it open. There stood Prince-- I mean, KING Ben. No matter how many times I thought back to the coronation, I kept forgetting who Ben truly was now. Despite him being in my presence, I was still in a bad mood. 

"What?" I asked in annoyance. 

Ben looked a little shocked towards my reaction, but he played it off with a cute smile. "Mal, it's Monday. Our two month break is over, remember?"

"Oh. I totally forgot..." I said, facepalming in embarrassment. "What time is it?"

"It's... 6:15," Ben replied, pausing as he gave a glance to the golden watch on his right wrist and back at me.

"Good. I'll be out in 30-35 minutes," I said.

"It takes you that long to get ready?" Ben asked with widened eyes.

"Hey, we're girls. Girls need more time than boys Ben," I said.

"Alright then," he said with a chuckle.

Ben walked away and I shut the door afterwards. It made an irritating creaking sound as I did. 

After the events that happend with the defeat of my mother and my friends and I choosing to become good at the coronation, everyone had been given a two month break to enjoy themselves before going back to school again. If you ask me, we deserved more than that, but it was much better than the one-week breaks we received back at home. That was just unfair in every way. 

I headed over to Evie's bed and shook her a little. It was always easy to wake her because she was a light sleeper. Her dreams still consisted of "charming princes" every now and then, which I didn't seem to mind. In fact, I found Evie's fascinations with royalty to be laughable. She hadn't changed much, and I didn't expect her to.

"Evie, wake up," I said. 

"Do I have to?" she asked in denial. 

"You do if you want to see Doug," I replied with a smirk. 

"MAL!" Evie shouted as she sprung up in a panic, blushing. 

"Sorry, you guys are just too cute," I said with a giggle. 

Evie groaned at my laughter and got out of bed. She pushed past me and started getting herself ready for school. 

For me, I was fine with just slipping on the clothes I casually wore. Today, however, Evie wouldn't allow me to. She handed me a purple dress with a black petticoat attached to it, a black, cropped, leather cardigan with rhinestones going down the sleeves and magenta insides, and some black combat boots. I didn't really feel like switching my style, but this outfit was one of the most appealing ones Evie had ever made for me. Plus, she was practically begging me to wear it. I didn't want to disappoint her by coldly rejecting it. 

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