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Part I - The Beginnings

Each member tells his own backround story, and how they met their first friend - or friends - in Team Crafted.

Chapter 1: The Victor (BajanCanadian)

Chapter 2: The Outcast (JeromeASF)

Chapter 3: The Budder Boy (SkyDoesMinecraft)

Chapter 4: The Orphan (MinecraftUniverse)

Chapter 5: The Troublemaker (Deadlox)

Chapter 6: The Derp (SSundee)

Chapter 7: The Mutant (HuskyMudkipz)

Part II - The Memories/The Friends

Backround stories of side characters, and other random stories about TC and their friends!

Chapter 8: The Sorcerer (Setosorcerer)

Chapter 9: Saturday Smash! (SkythekidRS, TrueMU, Deadlox, SethBling)

Chapter 10: Kings of the Hunger Games (BajanCanadian, JeromeASF) *coming soon!*

Chapter 11: For the Harvest - Day 1 (SkythekidRS, TrueMU, BajanCanadian, JeromeASF, HuskyMudkipz, CaveManFilms, KermitPlaysMC, SSundee, xRpMx13, CaptainSparklez, NoochM, Vikkstar123, Setosorcerer, SethBling) *coming soon!*

Chapter 12: Final Countdown - Day 2 (BajanCandian, CaptainSparklez, NoochM, CaveManFilms, SlyFoxHound, Marc [fr. Mojang]) *coming soon!*

A/N: A lot of what I wrote down about Team Crafted in Part I: The Beginnings is actually true about them in real life, but not all of it is. For example, I know Adam, Ty, and Jerome all have siblings, but I don't know their names, so I just made some up for this story. So don't hate me if I get something wrong!

And also, the stories on how they met are also made up, but some of them are based on actual videos that Team Crafted did together, such as Shrinkcraft. So yeah, enjoy!

I don't own Team Crafted or any of the other YouTubers in this story.

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