What The Hell Am I?!

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My scream had attracted the attention of three others. Kagome pulled me out of the well with some help then there were introductions. Sango the demon slayer, Miroku the monk, Shippo the fox demon, and finally Inuyasha the dog half demon.
"I need to sit down," I sit on the edge of the well, "So you're telling me that this well is some kind of portal to the Feudal Era?"
Kagome nods.
"Then why do I have tails?!"
"Hey Luna, what's that under your hat?" Shippo asks.
I reach up and feel two little lumps in my beanie before taking it off and feeling two furry cat ears.
"Okay, I'm not gonna scream again but I am going to faint," I say right before doing so.

-Time Skip-
I wake up a while later and slowly open my eyes, seeing Inuyasha's face right in front of mine.
"Oh, it wasn't a dream, mind getting out of my face?" I ask.
Kagome walks in then sees Inuyasha before frowning, "Sit boy!"
The half demon collapses on top of me, knocking the air from my lungs.
"Ow...," I say softly then push him off of me, "That hurt."
Kagome rushes over, "Lulu, I'm so sorry!"
I sit up and chuckle, "It's fine, what was that?"
Inuyasha sits up and pulls at the rosary around his neck, "It's because of this damn necklace! I get thrown to the ground whenever she says 'sit'!"
"Quit your whining!" Kagome says.
While they're yelling at each other, I feel the ears on my head and look at my tails.
"This is really weird," I mutter to myself.

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