A Half-Demon Against Her Own Kind

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"IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER!" Inuyasha shouts and swipes his claws at me.
I quickly dodge and jump into a tree, "Fine, if you're going to be that way," I launch myself at him, "Wild Slash Blood Seeker!" I shout. I had never before felt the power that was surging through my body, I didn't even know where those words came from, they just flew out of my mouth. Inuyasha dodged my attack and I slashed a tree, my claws going right through.
"Where the hell did that come from?!" Inuyasha exclaims.
"I don't know, the words flew out of my mouth and that happened," I say before frowning at him, "and I said I wasn't ready, why did you attack me anyway?"
"Demons aren't going to wait until you're ready to fight, they'll attack you and show no mercy. You need to always be prepared," he says.
"But this is training and I'm new to fighting," I say.
"You need to learn quickly so I'm going to push you," Inuyasha responds.
I sigh and cross my arms, "You don't even want to do this, you're just doing it because Kagome guilted you into it," I say.
He scoffs, "Like she could guilt me into anything," he says.
"You are so annoying at times," I say then touch my sword, nervous about drawing it.
Sango comes running up, "Hey you two, dinner is ready so you'd better come get it," she says.
"Finally, what took so long?" he starts following Sango before looking back at me, "You coming, runt?"
I ignore his insult, "You go on ahead, I'll catch up in a bit," I say.
He shrugs then walks off, "Suit yourself but don't whine when you come back and all the food is gone," he calls back.
I stand there and sigh before gripping the handle of my sword, "Alright, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's only Dakuraito, my mother made it for me," I say to myself then draw it and instantly feel the strong, spritual power.
The blade was blacker than a moonless night but the spiritual power glowed lightly around it, now I knew why it was called The Dark Light. I slowly sliced through the air, it felt natural, like I was already skilled with it. Names started coming to my mind: Moonless Wave, Dark Blade, Shining Starlight. I knew what they were, attacks that require my sword, no, that require me. The sword only concentrated the power that was inside of me, my body was a vessel for the powers that the sword only helped access, I was both pure and tainted, just like the moon, my sword, and everything. One can not exist without the other, there is always light in darkness, just as there is always darkness in light. Yin-Yang. For everything created, there must be something destroyed and vise versa,  an eye for an eye, something can't be created from nothing.

Everything Comes At A Price.  

Modern Day Half-Demon: The Moon's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora