Chapter 11- Time To Finish That Essay

Start from the beginning

"Ahh, Hoseok told us something today and she teased him about it" NamJoon says recalling the conversation you three had earlier. 

"And what does it have to do with butts?" Taehyung asks clueless and everyone cringes after they realize. 

"I do not want to know about that" Jungkook says as his mind run awful scenarios and he cringes harder. 

Before you or NamJoon can say anything to make it clear to the others that nothing like what their thinking is going you see Jimin coming in the kitchen. The blanket in loosely hanging over his shoulders, his brown hair is messed up but he looks attractive nonetheless, and his lips are slightly chapped from dehydration. 

Another little shit that looks attractive at any situation. 

"Why the hell are you people yelling?" he says with a hoarse voice. 

"Sorry, Hyung, Hoseok's fault" Jungkook says. 

Jimin sits on the empty stool Hoseok was sitting earlier, which is next to you after wrapping the blanket around him more securely. 

He slowly blinks his eyes and searches around the table for something to eat but only sees empty plastic plates and very little leftovers. 

"Seriously guys... You left me nothing?" he growls disappointed. 

You turn your body around and reach for the plate with breakfast you saved for him. You take it and turn back to place it in front of him. He looks at you with wide eyes. 

Once again, he wasn't expecting that kind of action from you. 

"Your welcome" you say as you grow tired of waiting for him to thank you. 
"Thanks" he says and starts digging his food. 

Before anyone can say anything, you phone rings signaling a message came.  You open it and see it's from Cody and your stomach drops. 

Oh shit. I have to finish the essay today. 

-Morning Y/N!!! Sorry if I'm waking you up but would you mind if I come around for the essay in fifteen minutes? I have a few errands I can't postpone after twelve. 

You read the message and start typing.

You didn't wake me up, I woke up at 3am and haven't slept since. Yeah, you can over, the sooner you come the more energy I have to write this essay. Hah😐

Before Cody dropped you off yesterday you agreed that you'd finish the essay at your apartment as there were too many distractions at the cafe yesterday and it slowed your progress down. However you didn't know that seven people were going to camp at your house, kick you out of your bed and eat all your food. Now you're going to have to think of a way to politely kick them out, 'cause if they stay... Then you'll definitely won't get any work done since they'll be too loud. 

-Why didn't you sleep? Everything all right? I'll bring coffee to boost you up so that you don't fall asleep XD

-Yeah, everything's all right. I want a (favorite coffee), please. 

"It's Cody, isn't it?" Eun-Bi says with a smirk on her face. 

"How'd you realize?" you ask shocked. 

"You grinned like a fool" she smirks. 

"Seriously?" you eyes go wide for a second. 

Everyone looks at you mischievously -except Jimin who glares down at his food. 

"What did he say?" SeokJin asks with interest. 

"He'll come over in fifteen minutes so we can finish the essay" you say nonchalantly. 

"BOYS GET YOUR ARSES UP AND LEAVE THIS HOUSE WITHIN TEN MINUTES!" Eun-bi screams and everyone -- except Jimin again-- shots up like  soldiers following Eun-bi's commands and start​​ getting ready to leave,having understood Eun-bi's hidden message, which obviously is to leave you and Cody alone. 

"Jimin what are you doing, get up" Eun-bi says and Jimin ignores her. 

​​"I'm not going anywhere, I have to be at the dance studio in two hours and it's closer from here" Jimin says. 

"What? No you're not staying" Eun-bi says getting irritated, "Y/N say something!!!!" 

"What do you want me to say? I don't care whether anyone is here or not as long as their not making any noise to disturb me and Cody," you say and start cleaning the table, throwing all the trash and used  plastic plates to the trash. 

"See, she doesn't mind. So I'm staying" Jimin says and lifts his plate up as you clean the table with a cloth, and places it back down when you're done. 

For some odd reason you find yourself slightly satisfied and happy, at the fact that Jimin will stay longer. You actually enjoyed his company this morning. 

"Uugghh!! Y/N you're clueless" Eun-bi growls. 

"If you try to set me up with Cody or even try to force me into anything, I swear, I'm going to roast you alive. I don't like him that way and as I've stated before; I don't want a relationship" you say getting irritated. 

You've have quite the few moodswings from last night, your period must be near, therefore explaining the sudden need for chocolate last night. 

As if on cue, a stabbing pain strikes your lower abdomen and you growl. 

And once again, the strawberry juice shop is open. 

​​​​​​"You okay?" Eun-bi asks, while you have your eyes closed waiting for your pain to go away. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay" you say and open your eyes.

"We're ready!" say a few male voices, and the five boys enter the kitchen. 

"You don't have to leave, guys, you can stay, but you must be quiet" you say as you sit down on the stool. 

"Naaah, I don't think it will work" Yoongi says. 

"Yeah... I have stayed behind on some homework. Gotta catch up and SeokJin Hyung must help me so..." Jungkook trails off awkwardly.

"And I have a course in an hour so I have to go get my stuff" Taehyung says.
"Okay, whatever you feel like," you shrug and they a turn around to leave. 

"Thanks for the great sleepover, girls" SeokJin says before closing the door. 

"Wow... They didn't even realize I was not going with them..." Jimin mumbles to himself. 

"You can still catch them if you want" you make a playful remark but he glares at you. 

You scoff and look at him. However you notice something really familiar on him; that black Iron Man t-shirt... You have one exactly like that, at the exact same size, even that tiny hole at the sleeve of the shirt is exactly like yours. Then you look at his gray sweats, that coffee stain... Your gray sweatpants have a stain like that too... 
And realization slaps you across the face. 

"Are you actually wearing my clothes?" you ask not giving your words a second thought. 

Should you be mad that he took your clothes from your closet without asking?  Should you find it hot because he looks like fire in this clothing? 

You don't really know, you feel your hormones being all over the place making your mind not function logicaly. 

Before Jimin can respond the doorbell rings and you know it's Cody. 


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