Chapter 1 : Run

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She could see her smoke like breath whisping in her dimly lit flashlight. Rena's wrists were burning hot with devastation as blood made its way through her thin jacket. Rena has had enough of the pain. She wants it to end. With the small bag of food and razor blades dangling from her shoulder she felt as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders. How stupid, she though. How stupid of me to finally break down on the coldest night of the year. Tears streaming down her face and seemingly freezing on her cheeks she tried to focus on the dark ahead as she traveled down the side of the highway. It was 6:30, already darker than midnight. Her mom would be home at seven. Meaning she only had half an hour to hide. Surely her mother would call the cops as soon as she realized Rena was absent from her room and noticed the washroom wit her blood stained clothes from earlier that day. Rena felt the cold rip through her skinny jeans and she pulled her jacket tighter. She had a deep need to cut her already pain riddled arms. She convinced herself to wait until she was away from the edge of the road. She found a small, nearly iced over clearing a few feet from the edge of the woods and decided that this was an okay spot. Slowly she rounded the blade on the meaty part of her arm close to her wrist. She decided to wait for that last. By the time she was done her arm was streaked with red. She was starting to feel better but it wasn't over yet. She held her breath and got closer to her wrist. Where she could see from the pale moonlight that the blue of her veins were exposed. Gliding through her skin, she finally felt a sense of satisfaction. Slowly she drifted into a light, torturing sleep thinking about the horror of earlier that day. She couldn't help but think about everyone's reactions when they find out about her tomorrow at school.

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