Far Away

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Zendaya wasn't here for the last day filming, and that made Tom very upset.

Sure, she was already done filming before the rest of the cast. She had a choice to either stay until the final day on set, or she could go home early. Of course, she chose to go back to her family. Tom was fine with that. He would've went back to London if he were in her shoes.

It's just that he missed her.

He missed seeing her brown, light locks that flew behind her when she walked. He missed her positive attitude and sassy remarks. He missed looking into her soft, brown eyes that always had a bright fire in them, and the way she talked to him whenever he felt like the whole world was on his shoulders. It was like music to his ears. And her smile. Ugh, that smile never got old to Tom. Honestly, his list could go on and on. After having so many thoughts ran threw his mind about her, Tom finally admitted it to himself.

He loved her, and he doesn't know if she would feel the same.

He loved her with all his heart and soul. He realized that there was never a moment on set where he didn't think about her. Tom just wanted to let her know he felt. Tell her that she was all he needed. Tell her that he wanted to hold her hands all day and cuddle. Tell her that all he wanted to do was kiss her and never stop.

But does she even feel the same way? What would happen to our friendship? How will this affect us in the future? What if I screw up?

Those were the questions lingering in Tom's mind. Tom vividly remembers his last relationship, and it ended poorly. Elle, his ex, had said some stuff that still hurts Tom's heart to this day. He remembers actually what happened.
"Elle, I have to leave."

"No, please, don't leave. You just left for a different movie, and this time, you'll be gone longer than before."

"No, Elle, I'm sorry, but I have to go."

"Why did you have to become famous!? Why couldn't you just stay home and have a job here for a living?!"

"Elle, this is my dream. I thought you supported me. I thought you were okay with this."

"No, I'm not okay with it! You're just going to leave me here and probably go smash some other girl in America, then come back and pretend that nothing happened!"

"What, no, Elle that's ridiculous! I am going away to work not-"

"How would I know huh? You could be doing some crazy shit, and I wouldn't know!"

"Elle, that's enough!"

"...You're right. At first, I was supportive of you doing this. I was so happy for you, and couldn't wait for you to go big in your line of business, but when you were filming CACW, you never called me back. You never texted me back, never even bothered to do anything to stay in contact with me. You could've been kissing another girl or multiple girls for that matter, and I wouldn't know. I thought that you forget about me."

"I would never forget about yo-"

"But you did. You know you did. When you came back, you didn't come to see me. Out of this whole month that you have been home, I haven't seen you until today, which is your last day in London. You wouldn't have seen me unless I texted you asking to meet at my place."


"Like I said before, you're right. It has been enough. We are over. I hope the fame gets to your head and eventually gets you nowhere. Before, I saw you as a loving boyfriend. Now, I see you as a stranger in my house. So, get out."
'Get out' were the last two words Elle ever said to Tom after about three months of them not being together. He hasn't heard from her since, and Tom couldn't blame her. He messed up. He forgot about her, and he was scared that it would happen with Zendaya as well. He didn't want that.

"So, don't let it happen again.", Tom thought to himself.

But what if it did? No. He needs to stop and move on. Sure, what had happened will never be forgotten, but it is time for him to man-up and ask Zendaya out. What happened with Elle will be a reminder of what he should and shouldn't do with Zendaya.

So, Tom took out his phone, and started dialing a number. He put the phone to his ear and let it ring.

Finally, Tom heard a "hello?"

He said,"Hey Z, do you want to possibly go out with me next Friday around where you are? I can take a plane there on Wednesday or Thursday."

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