The Ellen Show

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(A/N: Somebody requested that I do this, so thank you to that person. Hopefully, you know who you are. I can't reply back to you, which sucks...😔, but still, thank you!)

"Please welcome our guests, the Spider-Man Homecoming cast!"

Tom, Zendaya, Laura, Tony, and Jacob all walked out waving at the crowd. They all hugged Ellen and sat down on the couch. Tom sat closet to Ellen with Zendaya on his right and Tony on her right. There were 2 extra chairs for Jacob and Laura since the coach could fit so many people.

As the crowd's cheering started died down, Ellen said,"Wow, it is so amazing to see all of you!"

Tony, with his hands slightly shaking from meeting Ellen for the first time, replied,"Yeah, it's great to be here. I am a HUGE fan of you, like HUGE!"

The crowd laughs seeing Tony's nervousness. The rest of the cast laughed as well seeing their friend so nervous and happy at the same time.

Ellen then starts to talk again. "Thank you, Tony! That means a lot! So, incase for people who don't know, can you guys go and say who you are playing and describe your character a bit for us? Let's start with Tom."

Tom smiled and said,"Yeah, I play, well, Spider-Man."

"Woah", Jacob replies as the crowd laughs from his sarcasm.

"I know right? It's crazy."

So, each cast member described their character as much as they could without giving away any spoilers. Then, many questions were asked about the movie and funny moments behind the scenes.

"There was even one time that Tom was running for a scene, and he literally almost got knocked out by a bus",said Jacob reliving that day in his head.

Laura laughed and spoke up. "Yeah, that probably wasn't the funniest moment on set."

Tony also laughed remember that day. "Yeah, it was more like the scariest moment on set. I remember everyone screaming when Tom almost ran into the bus."

"We're glad you didn't get hit though", said Zendaya as she put a hand on Tom's shoulder. He looked at her and smiled. Unfortunately for them, this did not go unnoticed by Ellen.

Ellen raised one of her eyebrows and grinned. "Oh, I see whats happening here."

Tom, looking at Ellen as if she had 2 heads, said,"No, nothing is happening. I don't understand what you see happening."

"Oh, I understand",exclaimed Ellen making the whole audience laugh with a few ohh's being heard from some of the people.

Laura agreed with her. "Yeah, I think I get what's going on as well."

"Same here."


Zendaya started looking back at the 3 of her co stars. "Laura, Jacob, Tony..."

Tom hid his face in his hands. He felt so embarrassed and should've known something like was bound to come up. He wished he could've prepared a bit more for this type of thing to pop up on Ellen's show.

"Guys, come on now."

Ellen laughed seeing Tom's shyness on the subject. "Well, reports have seen you too hanging out together for a while now. Are you sure nothing's happened?"

Zendaya sat up straight and said,"Positive."

Sadly for them, nobody bought it.

"Yeah, I don't think so",said Jacob.

Tony looked over to Ellen and told her,"Trust me, these two are inseparable. They are always with each other, and they seem so close when they are. But, when they are with us, they act different with each other."

"Yeah, when they are with us, they don't talk much to each other. They keep it friend like, I guess, but their relationship seems different when they're alone",said Laura emphasizing the word 'alone' and looking over at Zendaya and Tom.

Zendaya was speechless. Her mouth was open as if she was trying to say something, but no words were coming out. Tom's cheeks were red, and he was looking down not knowing how to reply to anything that anyone was saying amymore. Ellen saw the two of them and laughed.

"Well, during the break, we are going to solve all of this, but when we come back, we are going to play a game with you guys, so that will be interesting. We'll be right back!"

The Ellen theme song came on, and the audience was clapping and cheering. They were all dancing along to the music giving the room a happy atmosphere. Tom looked over at the crowd and smiled seeing them so happy. Zendaya calmed down a bit once she saw Tom's smile land on her. She gave a little smile, which eventually turned big when Tom started dancing.

Laura, Jacob, Tony started talking and pointing at them saying that they are their otp.

And Ellen just laughed thinking to herself that this cast was probably one of her most favorite casts to meet.

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