The Battle in the Void

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Tora slumped a little, he needed rest. " Go on without me, I don't stand a chance against these guys anyways....I've done my share " Tora said.
" It's okay, thanks for the help " Jasmine said.
The group ventured through the cavern, running on a bridge.

Jinx's head

" You know your going to have to use what I taught you eventually, mark of a demon, skills of a demon...we're practically the same person " Janemba said.
" Your powers of persuasion suck! I'll never become just like you " Jinx replied.

Future Trunks Timeline

Turles and Broly were destroying what was left of society, Broly had already killed the androids. They began to fly through the air to kill all the other living creatures. Gohan watched from a distance, their power was amazing, but he had a trick up his sleeve. He kicked Turles into a nearby building as a Super Saiyan. And fired a hyper masenko at him. " I WILL PROTECT THIS WORLD! EVEN IF MY BODY TURNS TO DUST " Gohan yelled.
The two Saiyans laughed at Gohan.

The Void Caverns

" Hey Jasmine, do you sense any energy " Jayce asked.
" No, their hiding it, probably to sneak up on us " Jasmine replied.
" I sense something just beyond there " Jinx said, stopping in her tracks.
The group stopped running to look at what was on the other side of the bridge. " I'm sorry, I could have sworn there was something-" Jinx said as the demon symbol glowed.
" There's no telling what lies ahead..." Grace said to himself.
" Wait! I'm sensing the energy again! " Jinx said.
"'s only one person " She continued.
" He/She must be powerful then..." Genesis said.
Kiriko crashed down from the ceiling. The J fighters were all in shock. " Karn , take care of Kiriko, the rest of us are going after whatever she's guarding. " Jasmine said.
" Damn....Kiriko, I can't believe you made me use one of my friends like a tool..." Jasmine thought as she gritted her teeth.
" If any of you guys die today...I'll never forgive you " Jasmine said.
The rest of the J fighters had left, leaving Karn and Kiriko. Spikes started forming in the ground and began to chase the Saiyan as if they were snakes. They impaled him with ease, but he turned into a Super Saiyan. He fired a full power energy wave at her, causing her to fall. She caught herself midway, and got back up. " You have to deal with me now " Karn said.
" I miscalculated, your stronger than I had thought,but as long as I'm alive and my followers are loyal, nothing you do matters " Kiriko relied.
She directed the spikes towards Karn, only for him to dash away a couple feet from her. The spikes impaled her feet. " Kiriko...your days are numbered " Karn taunted.
" Because...I will prevail, because I am a Saiyan royal " Karn continued.
He kicked Kiriko across the face, and teleported behind her and smacked her into the ground. Kiriko coughed blood. " I think that smirk you had left you " Karn taunted.
" I think it's still there " Kiriko said smiling.
She threw a white ball of ki at Karn, sending him flying to the other side of the bridge. Then she regrew her feet, and charged at Karn. She punched him upwards into the air and slammed him back on the bridge. She fired a purple beam of energy at Karn, which he dodged, and charged towards Kiriko, only for a giant fist made out of the bridge to uppercut him. " Karn, I never understood why you joined the J fighters instead of destroying the earth, when you've had multiple occasions to do so " Kiriko said.
" It's because...I'm in debt " Karn said.
" She spared me.....and, I need to pay her back " He continued.

Deeper in the Cavern

Jinx and Jasmine had arrived to stop Ali. The Majin just stared at them as the mask covered his face once more. He took out his pink blade. " It's time for a rematch " Jasmine said.

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