They Arrive

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A giant space pod crashed in the middle of a beautiful farmland. Two people emerged, a man and a woman. " It's so crammed in there!" Kail complained
" I have longer legs and needed space" Gwen argued.
A shocked farmer stared at the two. Kail was obviously a Saiyan, Gwen on the other hand looked pretty human. " This planet is disgusting, and it's full of life" Kail stated
" I think Jasmine screwed this up, she's such a clumsy one" Gwen said ignoring the farmer in front of them.
" Should've sent Oran" Kail replied
" Too true" Gwen said
They both looked at the farmer. " His power level it's...its, OVER 9,000" Gwen said
Kail face palmed, turned Gwen's scouter to the correct angel. It read 0019.
" That makes more sense" Gwen said in a surprised voice.
" GUN PROTECT ME" The farmer said as he fired his shotgun at Gwens face ( Which was covered by a mask)
Gwen grabbed her face to hide it, and then ki blasted the farmer, killing him. She put on another mask, concealing her face. Kail didn't care.
" Bad Human!" Gwen yelled " Now tell us where Jasmine is" Gwen said
" You can also apologize!"
The human didn't move.
" Uh Kail I think he needs some serious TLC" Gwen stated the obvious
" Let's just go" Kail said as he walked away.

On a mountain sat a Majin. " Time for some training" Dr. livesey said.
After an hour of training. She went to talk to all of her friends on Facebook, that she didn't have.
" I need to get a life" she said.
" And if she's not Jasmine we just gave away our entire plan and gave the humans time to prepare, but that's not my business " Kail said
" if everyone heard me does that make me famous?" Gwen said
" No it doesn't Gwen" Kail replied. And smacked his face again.
" Oh so just because I'm a female Majin automatically makes me Jasmine" Dr.Livesey said.
" I've wasted my time, prepare for my signature move-" Kail stopped as he went up into the sky.
" Another power level or have you found my twinkies yet?" Gwen asked
" Weren't you going to kill me!?" The Doctor yelled

At a small abandoned beach house, there were several people. " Hey Fia! Where's your boyfriend" Jayce asked only to meet a slap across her face.
" I don't have one" Fia said
" So your single then" Jayce asked as she stared into Fia's eyes
Jasmine arrived just in time for the conversation to continue.
" Hey guys" Jasmine said as she waved to her friends. She was holding the hand of another, younger girl.
" Who's that " Jayce asked
" Oh, I just adopted her...she was all alone and....i felt like I needed to take care of her" Jasmine said.
The little girl smiled. She had a dragon ball on her necklace. Jasmine looked to the sky, she seemed worried. " I'm sensing a huge power level" Jasmine told the others.

Kail crashed into the ground. Gwen was sitting on top of him. Kail threw her into the nearby ocean. " It took me a while to get here, but we've finnaly found you" Kail said to Jasmine.
Jasmine looked at him in awe. " You don't remember me" Kail asked.
" It appears that she hit her head while landing on Earth" Gwen said while holding her hands on her head.
" What are you talking about" Jasmine asked.
" Jasmine, when we found you on were in a giant crater of rock. You probably overused your strength or fell from flying and got amnesia" Jayce explained.
" Let me tell you! Your family to an almost dead race called the Saiyans! Since your father was a Majin we look completely different. You were sent here by your brother to kill off the humans and sell this planet " Kail yelled
Jayce sprang towards him she was about to hit him to kingdom come until, Kail slapped her across the face sending her crashing through the beach house.
" I'd assume your here for the dragon balls as well" Jasmine said
" The Dragon's what!" Kail asked
" There a wish granting artifact, if you have them all an almighty dragon will appear and grant you any wish you would like" Gwen said. " My mother told me stories about them"

" I'm here for YOU and you only" Kail said " We are going to kill every pathetic thing on this planet"
Jasmine raised her fist " Unlike you, I actually care about the Earth, leave or I will kill you"
Gwen ran away like the coward she was. She knew the girl was pissed.
Kail teleported quickly and grabbed her by the throat and slammed the girls face into the sand a dozen times and then steeped on her face. " I'll also be taking this " He said as he grabbed the little girl. He gazed at Fia noticing something once familiar, then flew away.
Jasmine woke up. " You guys are pathetic" Dr Livesey said arriving through the hole Jayce made.
" I've had a really bad day....please don't hurt me" Jasmine stated
" Oh yeah I was watching you guys almost dying..THAT WAS PRICELESS" Dr.Livesey screamed while dying of laughter.
" Please help me get my sister back" Jasmine pleaded
" Why should I help lowlifes like you" Dr Livesey asked
" I' your friend, I know that you get pleasure from other people going through pain. Because you really must be hurting inside " Jasmine said
" Whatever, I'm only doing this because I have nothing to live for" Dr Livesey replied.

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