A Fate Worse Than Death

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" So this Fia person is the Raditz of their group huh? " Nappa said.
" IVE HAD ENOUGH " Fia said, her eyes burning with bright fire.
She shot a giant beam of Fire at the Saibamen. " Congrats, you killed the equivalent of Five Kail's. " Karn said mockingly.
" Yeah! And I won't hesitate - " Fia was cut off.
" Nappa is worth 5 Kail's, and I'm worth 15 Kail's  " Karn laughed.
" Don't be sad, your Kail is still stronger than our Kail " Gwen sympathized.
A saibaman lunged from the darkness and almost grabbed Jinx,  only for Grace to grab it by the hand and throw it into the air, and having his spheres go up to him and explode on impact. Nappa lunged at Grace and Fia from the air. The two flew up and Grace kicked him towards Fia, only for her to kick Nappa down to the ground. " JINX! HURRY UP AND ATTACK BEFORE HE HAS TIME TO DODGE " Grace yelled.
Jinx was in shock, sweating. Most of her friends were dead, and her last friends were close to death. So she ran away. Nappa got up " Not going to lie, those were some cheap moves " Nappa told them as he got up.
" We need to use the multi form tactic " Grace said.
" But won't that cut our power levels- " Fia asked
" DO YOU WANT TO DIE " Grace asked.
Multiple forms of them attacked Nappa at the same time. It was a tough struggle for Nappa. Grace was sweating. Until they realized, Nappa dodged every attack. And he was going on the offensive. He killed all the clones, and then stared at them.
" Just wait until, Jasmine gets here! " Fia yelled.
" I guess we'll have to kill you all before she does " Karn said with a smile.
Fia looked into Karn's eyes, it was almost captivating how handsome he was. " How about we make Jasmine watch us kill her friends " Gwen said.
" Fine....you two idiots are a waste of my time anyways, I'll give you 3 hours tops " Karn said.
A series of " Is he here yets " followed for about an hour. Nappa flew away to cause some mayhem among the humans to pass the time. " Times up " Karn said with a smile on his face.
" But where is n- " Grace was cut off by the large Saiyan hitting him in the stomach.

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