Chapter -10

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Dedicated to kiranlaxmi. A very sweet friend you know. My busmmate, benchmate and schoolmate. Finally, I dedicated it to her! Thanks dear for your wonderful support!
Love you!!!!

Paaru's POV

I felt so much broken, and so many questions in my heart. I didn't even like to stay there. Sooraj was very busy with fighting with that girl. I took my bag and left the saree cover and earrings.

I had so many questions in my mind.
"Did he like her?" Looks like he didn't.
Did he had so many girlfriend? He told he doesn't have. But, who knows.

How could I trust a boy who met two days before. May be that's my mistake. I took the permission from the sir to go home.

He allowed me and I started walking. First time ever in my life, I went half day. It's so shocking to me.

Suddenly a drop of water has wet my cheek and then I understood that I am crying . I sat on the bus stop, no one were there as it was lunch time for them. I started crying
Iike anything. I couldn't control myself. Do I love him? Do I care for him?

No, I don't . If I would have cared for him, I would have been there and stopped him from fighting.

No doubt, I started liking him when he started following me and the roses at the terrace was highlight. I thought he was good but, now my heart says he'll use me a tissue paper.

That was my fear from my childhood. I don't be someone's tissue paper. Oh God! What to do?

I just want to run away from my home , college and from this world. I took my phone and gave a call to dad. It started ringing.

Finally, my dad lifted it.

"Hello, dad!"

"Yes, Paaru. Where are you? In the college?"

"No, dad. I'm not feeling well."

" Is everything OK? Anyone started teasing you or ??"

"Dad, no. Nothing like that didn't happen. Actually, our teachers are on leave,so I got bored."

" My angel, never gets bored of college. What happened?"

" Really,dad. It's just nothing."

"Ok, honey. Do you have to ask me anything?"



"Actually,I want to go far away from home, college. Just for sometime. I'm bored and feel like going."

"In that case, why can't you go to your mom's parents home?"

" Not a bad idea."

" Now, it's lunch time, so go after half -an-hour."

"Yes,daddy. I'll go home and take my clothes adnd then leave."

"Alright. Take care and inform your mom."

"Yes, I will."



I started walking to my home. Again, my tears started coming. I took my handkerchief and started calming my self. If he don't like me why does he'll follow me?
He's not so mean? All questions made my head to think to much and I was about to fall.

But this, time I was happy that I'm falling . Don't know why? When I closed my eyes the first thing I could remember was his eyes and with that I opened my eyes. I say someone. A boy who held me.

Thank you. I told to him.

He smiled and replied, "My pleasure."

"What's your name?"

I am Paaru.

"Same Paaru. A girl friend of Sooraj?"

"Yes. And this time in the ring time again I started crying."

He was Sooraj's friend. I rarely saw him. I don't even want to know his name. And I started running away from him. Actually, I want to be alone and just cry.

Finally, I reached my home. My grandparents were sleeping. Slowly I packed my bag and kept some fruits to have.

I took my bag and started moving for the bus stop.

I saw Sooraj in the bus stop. And I wrapped my Scarf in such a way only eyes can be seen. But, he can even identify my eyes. I took out cool googol. And covered my self completed.

I was controlling my self not to go towards him. My dad messaged me the address and the bus route. So I went and sat in the bus. I left a message to my mom.

"Mom, I am going to visit your parents. It's been a long time. See you in few days. Take care."

When the bus started moving I was totally broken than before. I saw Sooraj crying. In his hand was my pendent set he gave me. I couldn't find the saree cover.

What I was scared has only happened. I never want to hurt anyone and most importantly because of me someone was crying. I took the ticket. Seeing the scenery I slept. Suddenly, my phone rang and I woke up.

It's dad.

"Hi! Dad!"

Don't know what happened with a big crashing sound, I became unconscious..



Don't scold me. Anything may happen any time.

All books don't have happy ending!
But it's not the last chapter
To be continued.....


I Can't Forget Those Eyes #YourChoice2017Where stories live. Discover now