Chapter 4

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Dedicated to LunaKagamine24.

Sooraj's POV

As I was busy hearing about the voices I saw Paaru coming out of her house and her face was so clear that she's been crying. She was walking too fast that to with books and I was running behind her.

She sat on the bench in the park. The park was very peaceful and my focus was on the only girl Paaru. She kept her hands on her eyes an was about to cry to help her out of the pain , I placed my hands on her shoulders but she jerked and looked shocked.

When she saw me she definitely knew that I had followed her. She told me to get away from her.

She asked me one question which made me into pieces. "Why are you following me?"

I answered my true feelings that" I can't see my friend in pain and can't let her go."

" That's the reason I don't want my friends to be sad because of me. " I didn't know to back answer the only thing I want to see was her smile so in the next answer I added it to see her reaction.

When I told smiley she was puzzled an asked me why I called that it's to simple because I never saw her smiling and I want to see it, very badly.

She told that'll never going to happen. Is smiling is that difficult? Was the only question running in my head and I challenged her that I'll make her smile in twenty-four hours. I don't know,what I'll do but I'll do something and make her smile and win the bet.

Then I told her if I won I'll be her friend actually more than a friend but I controlled myself. She replied"If I won then I'll not be her friend. And I should forget her. She adds it's very simple."

I am going crazy about the girl to whom I dashed in the morning and till evening I was following her amd wanted her more in my life and she says to forget which is  never ever going to happen.

I wanted to know more about her so I started playing five questions. I explained her the game and she agreed to play with me. Right now I was going more crazy than I am.

" When was the last time she smiled?"

" When I got this phone on my birthday which my dad gave."

" When's your birthday?"

"January 23."

" This month is December and the last time you smiled was year starting. I still can't believe it."

Really how can someone be without smiling, with out friends and I can understand how much she's in pain.

" When was the last time you felt happy?" After talking about the smile I was eager to know about her happiness so asked it.

She replied when she went to a movie with her family she was happy that also she don't remember the last time.

Actually true happiness will get only when you make the loved ones smile. For her everything is her family and she never made them smile nor she smile . I hope I'm not messing up with her.

"Did you tried to suicide yourself?" I wanted to ask this question because after seeing so much pain no life the only option will be to kill yourself.

She said yes. Why God why I didn't see her before.

She started asking the questions.

" What do you think about me?" She's feeling embarrassed because i saw everything in live.

So I told my true feeling " I want to be more than a friend."

There was no reaction in her face and asked me when the u have a girl friend or not. I told know and the next question she asked was whether I lied to anyone. Ya I did tell lies. She told that was also a lie, and I ignored it.

She asked me didn't I ever see her in the class?
I really didn't see her. So I replied same to her.

And the last question's answer made Paaru's heart skip a beat. Her question was if she won the bet I'll leave her and go?

I said NEVER.


Let's see what will Sooraj do to make Paaru smile.

All my other works are in angel awards!! please go and comment 1 in the last but second chapter!!!!
Hope you'll will!
See you later!!


I Can't Forget Those Eyes #YourChoice2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora