The Eating Hall isn't nearly as full as it was for Morning Meal.

Charlotte explains, "We are late to Mid-Day Meal, my fault. So, the main rush has passed through, all the people left are people who are late just like us."

I could spend the day asking questions. Instead, I just let the conversation drop as I swallow down my meal.

After we have finished, Charlotte decides we may as well get a tour in while we have time. I try to memorize the paths between the dorms and the Eating Halls and the Showers. Apparently I am moving out of the dorm I shared with Dana and into a dorm full of Rivies. It sounds dreadful and comforting at the same. It's horrible, because I will know only Charlotte and I will be leaving Dana. But, it's also comforting, because I won't be the only one who has no idea what's going on.

I learn the basic blueprint of the Unknown and the 'twisting hallways' actually make sense in my head. It's split up into two sections. One section, the smaller section, is the daily life functions, the Eating Hall, the dorms, the Showers. The other section is the Pros section. Each Pros has a different section to themselves, where they can operate however they want.

It's like a big circle. The daily life functions section is the core of the circle and the Pros section wraps around it. 

I can navigate from where I will be sleeping, to where I get ready in the morning, to where I eat. 

By the time Charlotte finishes with the tour and we practice the routes a few times, Charlotte and I walk back to the Eating Hall. There are only a couple people in here, talking loudly and laughing. We take a seat in the back corner.

Charlotte smiles, "Don't worry, it will all make sense. Things get much easier after you pick your Pros. So, we are on day one of ten. Of course, most days will probably go faster than this, but we were practically kicked out of the Techs, so we don't really have much to do. Normally, I wouldn't give you a tour on your second day here, but that's pretty much how things go in the Unknown. You can't expect a set schedule and for everything to be the same for everyone. The Unknown isn't fair."

Her last words shock me. They seem very serious for someone as bubbly and free as Charlotte. There seems to be something under all those levels of happiness.

My thoughts are interrupted when a girl plops herself down on the seat next to Charlotte. Charlotte's face breaks out in a smile, but, for once, it looks strained, "Hey, Sadie, how are you?"

I glance at the girl. If she wasn't sitting right in front of me, my eyes would have slid right past. She's the kind-of face that you don't really notice, don't really remember. Once you look away, it's gone. She has shoulder length plain brown hair. Her brown eyes hold no excitement or warmth. Her lips are thin, but not too thin to be noticed. Her nose points slightly up,  making her seem slightly arrogant. She doesn't look happy, but not look particularly sad. She's just...there.

Sadie doesn't respond, she just sighs.

Charlotte raises her eyebrows and purses her lips. She tries to turn the corners of her mouth up into a smile, but it just makes her look more impatient. "So, how do you like working in the Fields. That's the Pros you picked, right?"

Sadie's eyes leave the table briefly to glance at Charlotte. She doesn't make eye contact, just glances at Charlotte's chin, or maybe it was her shoulder. She sighs again and answers in a monotone, "I picked Fields. Christopher is mean."

Charlotte nods slowly, "Yes, well, you don't see him every day, do you? There are a lot of Field workers."

Sadie sighs yet another time, "Yes, this is true. I don't think he even comes out to the Fields every day. He has given me the job as SLB dispenser, which is okay because then I don't have to be around so many people, but it's boring."

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