5 - a month later

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Ellis texted Calum the day after he left her at the Sutro Baths. He didn't answer. But, he had read it.

She started thinking to herself what would happen if she'd bump into him again. California is a rather large state, so, It would be impossible. In plus, he's on tour with his band. He's probably already on the road to his next country. And, it's already been a month since they last seen each other.

She thought of what Marcus said to Calum. She didn't really know what he said though so she was thinking of he might've said. Marcus was quite an old man. But not too old. He was 68, and seemed quite poor. He wasn't poor at all, He lived in one of the tallest buildings in San Francisco and had a surprisingly large apartment like Ellis.

Ellis snapped out of her deep thoughts by the ringing of her doorbell. She got up from her dining table and to her front door. She opened it,  a police officer was outside.

"Are you Ellis Grace?" He asked in a nice tone.

Ellis stood up straight and said, "Yes, I am, and who might you be?" She said it in a tone where she wasn't sounding rude.

"I'm Officer Bob Duncan. We're here to inform you of a death." He said looking down. Ellis waited for him to continue.

"We were told by neighbours of you that you were close to Marcus Roshenburg," He said quitely. "We're sorry to inform you that Marcus is infact, dead."

Her eyes were turned glossy as she spoke to the officer. 

"How? How'd he die?" Ellis asked.

"He had a heart attack while he was visiting his friends in Redding. Apparently, he forgot to take his medication." Bob Duncan replied.

"W-Well, is there anything else before you leave?" She said. Her voice cracked as she tried to keep her self in tact.

"We searched his body and found this. He had a letter for you and a will stating if he dies, he wants his money to be given to you since you apparently feel like a daughter to him, considering he never had any kids." Officer bob said. He handed he the letter. He told her of the funeral arranged by his brother and left. She closed the door and went to the kitchen.

Ellis sat down on an island stool. She opened to letter and read it.

Dear Ellis Larotini Grace,

I'm writing this because I'm old and i'm going to die soon. I'll join Diana, my wife. You remember her? I let you come with me to her hospital room before she died. 

Well anyways, I'm old. I needed someone to be there and take care of me often. You were that person who would do that job. You were always so kind to me, even when you a little child. Your mom and dad would always be proud of you when you volunteered your free time in middle school to help me.

I will grant you my remaining money when I die. I don't have a bank account, but I do have safe full of money from when I was running my huge company. I know you'll do great things with it. Even if you keep it all, I know you won't spend it on useless stuff. You'll probably donate it to charity. I'm not telling you what to do with it, you can do whatever you want it with it as long as you do good with it.

Well anyways, I'll always keep this on me until someone finds it and gives it to you when i'm dead.


Marcus Roshenburg.

Ellis read every small, cursive word Marcus had written. She did not expect this to happen. Marcus was a very happy man, even though many bad things have happened in his life time. This made it even sadder. Seeing a happy man fade away into the dark.

A week later. At the funeral.

Marcus' younger brother, Lennon, who was only 58, finished his speech and called Ellis up to the podium. She walked up and thanked Lennon.

"Hi, I'm Ellis Larontini Grace. You heard of me in Lennon's speech saying Marcus is giving is money to me. Yes, That is true. Don't worry, I'm giving it all to charity." She chuckled sadly.

"Well, Marcus was a great man. He cared for me as if I was his grand-daughter, and I cared for him as if he was my grandparent. He was always happy and I couldn't imagine anyone happier than him. If I were sick, he'd always come over and take of me," Ellis paused to wipe her eyes.

"He always puts others first even when he needed help. I hope everyone else had experienced his happiness just like I did, because trust me, It'll rub off on you. So, to wrap up the speeches, I hope you all will enjoy life just like Marcus enjoyed doing good. And, thank you for having me." She walked off the stage and everyone clapped. She sat down and they carried on with the tribute video.


SORRY I PUT BOB DUNCAN i couldnt think I anything else. and this was sad.

I wasn't really planning to make Marcus die but I just wanted to add a dramatic situation.



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