3 - golden gate bridge

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We got to our destination, the fog cleared up once it reached noon which was a few minutes past. We walked to the edge of the parking lot.

"Tadaa." I said smiling. Calum looked at the view from the parking lot.

"Wow, this is such a small parking lot." He joked, pretending not to see the beautiful ocean.

"Let's go on top of the hill," I suggested. "It has a great view of the bridge."

Calum nodded and adjusted his sunglasses along with his Beanie. I held his hand I as I led him to the hill. 

We admired the view. He looked at The Golden Gate Bridge as if it was the most beautiful thing he laid eyes on. I took out my phone and took a picture of us with the bridge behind us. We looked at if for a while.

"You're- I mean- It's beautifu-" He was interrupted by girls screaming. We turned around and see a crowd of 16 girls struggling to climb the hill.

"Crap," Calum muttered. "Let's go." He grabbed my hand but pulled back.

"No, let them take pictures with you," I say politely. "It's not everyday that people get to see their idols." He smiles and goes up to the girls. I stand here watching him make some girls cry of happiness, and others are extremely giddy. I giggle at the parents at the bottom of the hill who are probably mentally face-palming themselves. I see someone come up to me and they look at me with adoration.

"Hi, my name is Nahaa!" The indian girl motioned her hand towards her friend. "This is Evelina."

"May, we get a picture?" Evelyn had a strong, brazilian accent. I nodded and smiled as we took a picture. We talked for a while as more and more girls wanted to take a picture with Calum. We discussed things that didn't even make sense and we ended up switching numbers.

"Hey, before you leave, why'd you come up to me instead of Calum?" I asked Nahaa.

"We're not really fans of 5sos, but we're fans of your artwork and photography." She replied with big smile. "But anyways, we have to go. We'll text you later!"

We all hugged before she and Evelina left. I walked over to two girls that just took a picture with Calum.

"Hi, I'm Ellis." I introduce myself to them. They groan and roll their eyes at me.

"We know, you're the new groupie." The blue-haired one snickered.

"Why don't you just hope into bed other band members while you're at it?" The blond one spat at me. They insulted me, comment after comment, even when they didn't even know me. They just assumed I was a groupie.

"That's rude." I thought to myself. I decided to ignore their comments and go up to Calum. He was taking the last girl's picture. 

"Hey Ellis. Let's go now, there might be paparazzi around." We hurried off into an Uber to The Sutro Baths.

Author's Note

Search up Sutro Baths San Francisco 

It's a pretty cool place. I've been there many times and the view from the cliff house, right above the baths, is beautiful.


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