December 16, 2016: Claudette

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Ah, the joy of finals week.

The smell of erasers, the feeling of tired, achy eyes from staying up all night studying. I only have two classes at TMCC, chemistry and English lit. My chemistry class is not the cool kind, where you get to turn things blue. It's the kind where you mostly learn formulas. The formulas are tripping me up, but my studying is not my biggest worry.

Today, when I got home from my English lit final, my roommate Kiki was taking a nap. That's odd, because she works at a clothing store, and they're pretty busy this time of year. I only had an hour to get changed and get to the restaurant where I work, so I didn't wait for her to wake up and talk to me. Instead, I left her a note.

During work, I took a break and checked my phone. I saw a text from Mora, my boyfriend: When can I c u? I replied 2moro I guess.

I also had a text from Kiki: I got fired. Late 2 much.

Crap! I thought. How are we going to make rent?

So, that's my biggest worry. But, on the bright side, finals week is over. And I'll be off of work for Christmas, so I can have dinner with my parents. They'll probably lecture me about something, but I don't mind. Much.


The Infrared ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora