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Baekhyun plays with the soft pillows on the master bed, frowning a little. Images of him and his little brother playing in his mind, missing him a lot.

The door creaks open causing the brunette to turn his head towards the direction of the sound. He spots the giant walking in wearing his pajamas.

Baekhyun chuckles a bit, "I thought giants like you like black things."

The taller glares at Baekhyun. "Not all giants, dummy."

The smaller male sits up on the bed, playing with his fingers. It's a habit of his.

"I have work tomorrow which is good. I'll be able to leave this hellhole." Baekhyun tells the taller with a dull voice.

Chanyeol sits down on the bed, "Who said you were going to work tomorrow?"

Baekhyun immediately looks up at Chanyeol, "I have to work at the cafe. It's my job and tomorrow is actually my payday." 

Chanyeol scoffs, "I told your boss to fire you."

Baekhyun's jaw drops.

"What!? Are you stupid!?" Baekhyun half yells half whispers.

"Nope. I did it so you can actually be a housewife. Or house husband? You choose." Chanyeol questions the smaller.

"I need the money!" Baekhyun pulls his hair in frustration while the giant just watches.

"For what? To buy people to ruin my relationship with Hanna? No, I'm not letting you do that." Chanyeol coldly says, grabbing the television remote and turning the television on.

Baekhyun stands up, tears brimming.

"You don't understand." Baekhyun says, almost whisper-like before leaving the room.

Chanyeol just stares at the door, chuckling a bit. "Weakling."


Baekhyun plays with the spoon in his coffee mug, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.

Chanyeol walks down the stairs, fixing the cuffs of his suit. He spots the brunette sitting on a chair, his position slouched.

Chanyeol approaches Baekhyun and fixes his position, "It's bad to slouch, your back might hurt and I don't want to hear your whining later." Chanyeol says, his voice is cold though his words are warm.

Baekhyun stays quiet, letting the taller touch him.

"I'll leave now, you are not allowed to leave.  Remember that." Chanyeol sternly states before leaving the house.

Baekhyun groans, standing up. He walks back to his room in which he shares with Chanyeol.

He plops his body on the bed and stares at the ceiling.

The brunette just wanted to go to work to collect his paycheck and to give it to his mom.

He doesn't know why but all his father said is to give his money to his mom for something important.

Well Baekhyun's life is also important but the latter just chose to give his money to his mother whom he loved at all times.


Baekhyun was running around at the playground, his high-pitched giggles echoing throughout the empty playground.

The little boy sat down on the soft grass, smiling widely as his eyes searched for his mother.

He finally spotted his mother buying two cones of soft serve vanilla ice cream.

The little boy hurriedly stood up and ran towards his mother. 

"Eomma! Ice cream!" The little boy yelled.

Mrs. Byun smiled, giving the payment to the ice cream vendor. 

Baekhyun tugged on his mother's skirt, impatiently waiting for his ice cream.

Mrs. Byun turned around and held Baekhyun's hand. "Come on, let's go and sit on that bench." She said, bringing her son with her.

They both sat down on the wooden bench, the bench making creaking sounds from time to time.

Baekhyun got his ice cream, happily licking it. He looked at his mother and noticed her shaky hands.

This caused Baekhyun to tilt his head a bit, again one of his habits.

Baekhyun looked up at his mother, a bit confused. "Eomma! Are you okay? Why are your hands shaking?" Baekhyun asked, his high-pitched voice echoing once more.

Mrs. Byun smiled weakly, "It's just cold, son." His mother replied.

The wind blew right past them and the smaller boy noticed something.

The wind was warm and his ice cream was melting quickly.


Hmmmm, I wonder what's happening~

So let me make a confession here. I don't feel like a good author to you guys. It feels like I give the worst content out there.

So what I'll do to make things better is I'll try my best to make the chapters longer. I just want you guys to get the best content.

Welp, that's it. Thank you guys for reading!

Vote, Comment, and enjoy!

I love all of you precious human beans


P.S Thank you all for 60K on WY!! <3

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