Shopping, bullies and garden.

Start from the beginning

It wasn't very affective because Cam turned his body to show me what he was holding and Gabriel could see me again. His eyes cutting in mine as he continues to scan all our items. I glare back at him for a moment until Cam realises I'm not listening to him and his head snaps behind him and sees Gabriel eyes on mine. When Gabriel notices Cam looking at him, he looks down at what he was scanning. Cam looks at me with questioning eyes. I just pretend to be interested in what he had in his hand. But he just put his hand behind his back so I couldn't see it, I look up to see him still giving me a curious look.

"You two, hurry up!" Mrs Winston calls behind as she pushes the trolley out of the ware house and into the large empty car park. We jog to catch up with her. Even though she's short Mrs Winston can sure walk fast, and she is very strong too. She's like a Shetland pony, small and muscly.

"What was that all about?" Cam asks curiously, he had a smile on his face but I can see him hiding another emotion. I'm just not sure which emotion it is...

"What was what about?" I reply.

"You know, that guy at the counter and you looking at each other," Cam retorts.

"Oh, that! Yeah that's just some dickhead at our school... I was death staring by the way, not looking!" I say, holding in my anger.

"Calm down, I didn't mean to-" Cam starts.

"What are you two blabbering about? Hurry up and help me pack the car," Mrs Winston orders, who knew she could be serious sometimes?

Cam and I stop talking and just pack the car in silence, Cam picking up the heavy things like cement bag and big plants. While I go for the easier things like the seeds and measuring tapes. When he notices that I'm taking only really small things, he gives a look. In response I just stick out my tongue and laugh. As I watch him hall a big bag of soil, I place a small shovel on top of it. He chuckles, muttering something that sounds like "shes a strange one." I give him a glare and then push the empty trolley back into the booths in the car park, since we had unloaded everything. Then I run back to the car and hop in the backseat and we head home.


We turn down the dirt road that leads to our houses. The whole time I've been in the car I've been admiring its splendour. I've always wanted one of these cars, the seats are comfortable the steering wheel is cool, the colour is awesome! Yellow.

As you can tell I'm not very experienced in the different things to do with cars, I don't even know what the clutch does... And as I blabber on in the back seat about how much I want their car I earn funny looks from Cameron as I describe a lot of the parts as "thingy's ". I just ignore his looks. Mrs Winston seemed appreciative of my blabbering, she didn't seem herself. She was always giving polite "hmm," or "yeah I like it too," etc, etc.

As we near the houses I see a figure standing out the front of my small house. And I see a golden flash dancing around the figures legs. And we come closer I realise who is there.


He turns his head to see the car approaching, his tanned skin seemed to glow in the late afternoon light. His tallness seemed to make my front fence and gate seem smaller than it already was, and his presence infront of my shack like house seemed dominating, and it was clear he didn't belong in a small house.

Mrs Winston drove past my house and Daniel, then parked in her garage, next to Sam's shiny convertible. I got out of the car and asked if it was alright if I quickly ran over and talked to a "friend."

"I'll come," Cam says quickly, "we can unpack the car later," flashing a quick look at his mother.

"Ok dears, " Mrs Winston sounds resined. But for some reason she seems relieved to get us out of her hair for a few minutes. We jog down Cams driveway and then slow to a walk when we come closer to Daniel. My heart is beating fast, after remembering what it was like last time these two saw each other.

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