~AAHS~ |The Trip| ~14~

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"Aph are you sure you're ok with this?" Aaron asked. "Well i already paid for the tickets for it so yes, I am" I replied. "If you say so" Katelyn said. We all were walking towards the ship. I made fake tickets to make it look like i bought tickets to go on a private cruise with everyone. Rey let me use his ship which is huge. Hes going to be controlling the ship the entire time. He says he's always wanted to be a captain and have a crew... so yea...

We all arrived at the ship with all of our suitcases. We all greeted rey who was standing at the top of the railing leading on board, wearing a pirate costume... "Hey you're our school janitor! I didn't know you were also a ship captain!" Travis exclaimed. "Yes, now hop on board so we can travel some places!" Rey exclaimed. I facepalmed.

We all got on and rey lead us on the bottom of the ship where there were 9 sets of bunk beds about 1 foot away from eachother. "I CALL DIBS ON THE TOP BUNK!" I exclaimed running towards the first bunk bed and tossing my suitcase on top. Katelyn got the bottom bunk below mine.

Aaron and Zane shared one. Aaron was on the top bunk while zane was on the bottom next to ours. Next to them was nicole and lucinda. Nicole on the top and lucinda on the bottom bunk. Then there were Kawaii chan and teagan, Garroth and laurance, dante and travis, max and ross, barney and sky, then vylad. He had one all to himself which he kept bragging about.

"VYLAD QUIT IT BEFORE I TELL EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR STUFFED BUNNY!" Garroth exclaimed. "Bruh..." vylad replied. "OOO HERE HE IS!" Laurance exclaimed pulling out a pink bunny from vylads suitcase. Vylad ripped it out of his hands and started dusting it off.

"HANDS OFF CAKEY! AND SHES A GIRL YOU PERVERT!" Vylad exclaimed hugging 'cakey'. "*cough zanenumber2saywhat cough*" travis said. "I know what you're doing travis! Im not saying what!" Vylad exclaimed, immediately regretting it. "HA!" Travis laughed.

"Are you sure you're ok with this aph..." aaron asked me. I nodded my head. "I'll be perfectly fine! Besides I'll finally conquer my number one fear!" I lied. "OFF WE GO CREW!" We all heard rey yell in a pirate voice. "ARGGGG MATEYS" we all heard him yell after a moment of facepalming.

I looked out the porthole and saw the dock get farther and farther away. "GOODBYE SCHOOL HAHA!" Nicole yelled. "WHOOP WHOOP! wait I forgot my narwurrel action figure in my locker... TURN THIS SHIP AROUND! TURN IT AROUND IM BEGGING YOU!" Ross screamed, running to the top of the ship.

In case you're curious, a narwhurrel is the mix of a narwhal and a squirrel.

Yes, ross made it.

We suddenly heard ross stop yelling.

We all booked it up the stairs and towards ross to see what had made him suddenly shut up. "ROSS YOU OK DUDE!" Sky exclaimed. "NO! IM NOT!" He exclaimed. "Is it because your demented squwhall thingy is gone?" Max asked.

"ITS A NARWHURREL GET IT RIGHT! And no. Its not that! I just forgot my swimming puddles!" He exclaimed. "Your swimming what???" Katelyn asked, confused. "EXACTLY! I NEED SOME MILK!" He exclaimed. I looked over at rey who was driving the boat with a freaked out look.

"The boat rides probably making him go crazy again..." aaron said. "Yea probably... ROSS GO TO BED!" Teagan exclaimed. "I DONT WANT TO BAKA!"  He replied. "If you do you might have your narwhurrel when you wake up!" She said. Ross ran downstairs and jumped into his bed which was the bottom bunk.

"Ross gets a little crazy on boat rides... There was this one time he was acting like a pelican and tried to fly but fell off the boat... However he DID somehow catch a fish with his mouth... and swallowed it whole..." Sky said. "I got it on video! wanna see?" max asked. "DONT SHOW HER THAT SHE MIGHT CHANGE HER MIND ABOUT GOING!" Laurance exclaimed.

"I REGRET MY DESISION APH! ARRGGHH CREW UR DRIVING ME BONKERS!" Rey yelled, still steering the boat. "DEAL WITH IT BUD! NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL TWENTY-FOUR SEVEN!" Katelyn yelled back. "I CAN YELL TO!" we all heard ross yell from below deck. "This is gonna be a long trip... At least i can spend it with you" Aaron said pulling me closer to him. "PPPIICCTTUURREEEEEE" Teagan screamed pulling out her phone to take pictures. Kawaii Chan was already spamming her camera. Does she have unlimited space on that thing?? I swear I heard her saying how she has over six billion pictures on that! NOT including all of the pictures of sweets she has!

"I'm so BOARD!" I exclaimed. "HAHA get it? because the boats a ship and made out of wood... also known as boards.... haha.." I said after. "We could go swimming, Ask Rey if he can stop the ship at a nice swimming spot. AND MY IRENE APHMAU I SWEAR IF YOU SAY ANOTHER PUN I WILL THROW YOU TO THE SHARKS!" Katelyn exclaimed. "WOOD you stop with the pun hating Katelyn" i said smirking.

She was about to say something when the boat stopped and we were all flung forward by the force. "Ouch... well... at least the force is with us..." Zane mumbled grabbing a cupcake from his pocket. He started eating it. We all facepalmed then stood up. "WHO THE PURPLE MUFFIN FAN TREE PHONES HAD THE AUDACITY TO STOP THIS PARASITE BOAT WITH SUCH FORCE!" Ross yelled, walking up the stairs to where we were. "ARRGGHH SORRY CREW! LOOKS LIKE WE'RE STUCK ON SOME DARN ROCKS ARRRGGGHHH" Rey exclaimed walking over to us. I walked over to the side of the boat and saw that we were indeed, stuck on some rocks.

My heart stopped when I saw a familiar imprint on one of the rocks.

If we don't get out of here, My friends will get seriously hurt, or worse. I motioned Rey to come towards me while the others were talking about some ways to get unstuck from the rocks. "Is there something wrong? Do I need to kill someone??" he exclaimed grabbing his 'pirate sword' that was on his 'pirate belt'. "Well yes... But look!" i said pointing to the familiar mark on the rock. His eyes widened. "Coralia... We need to leave asap... Get your friends and go below deck... I'll try to get us unstuck" Rey said. I nodded and ran to my friends. "Rey's gonna try and get us unstuck but he needs concentration!" I said. "Lets go downstairs. Its getting dark and I'm starting to get tired anyways" Nicole said. Everyone else agreed.

The boys went downstairs to get changed into their pajama's. "What if i don't wear pajamas when I got to bed?" Travis said. "Then sleep with your clothes" Katelyn said. "What if I don't wear clothes?" Travis smirked. "Wear some or I will have no problem with making you sleep with the fishes" Katelyn glared. Travis ran below deck where the rest of the guys were, knowing she wasn't kidding. After a couple minutes they came back up in their PJ's, including Travis.

Thank Irene...

All the girls including myself went downstairs to get changed. I changed into some cupcake pajama bottoms with a cupcake shirt. My favorite PJ's! I also put on some fluffy bunny slippers. I put my hair up into a messy bun. Pretty soon everyone else was finished. "ITS OK TO COME DOWN NOW!" we all yelled. The guys came down to. Hopefully Rey will get the boat unstuck.... and fast...

Me and Zane both saw each other. "TWINNING!" we both exclaimed. He was wearing a cupcake shirt with cupcake PJ pants to! with pinkie cake slippers. Vylad was carrying cakey and ross was carrying his narwhal and squirrel action figures.

Ross immediately hopped on his bed and fell asleep. I climbed up on the top bunk and Katelyn went to the bottom. Soon everyone was laying on their beds. The beds were pretty close together. Aaron reached across and held my hand. I held his back. "You're handling this very well babe... I'm happy you're here with us... You'll get over your fear in no time" Aaron said, trying not to be so loud since Katelyn is trying to sleep. I heard muffled fan girl noises and knew kawaii Chan and Teagan were screeching into their pillows.

I smiled. "I'm glad I'm here to" I said. "Night babe... Love you" Aaron said caressing my hand with his thumb. We both leaned forward and kissed. "Night" I said back. We both drifted off to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions or questions make sure to comment or message me! I know I have not been updating frequently but my finals are FINALLY over!

huehuehue... punsssss anyways.. ye!

Bai! 🐢🍰

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