~AAHS~ |Stitches|~12~

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"I love you to" i said smiling. His forehead was still resting on mine. We opened our eyes. We heard screaming and fangirling on the otherside of the curtain. I laughed to myself. Aaron gently grabbed my hand. "Fallow me" he said leading me out the back door.

It was dark out. It was still a little warm. The sky was clear and the stars were brightly shining. He took me towards the beach but i didn't even care. I was still having a difficult time believing on what just happened. He stopped. We were on the soft sand staring at the ocean.

"Why are we here?" I asked. Without answering he took my hand again and we started walking along the beach. "For some reason... the beach always reminds me of you... i know your afraid of the water but... still... the ocean... the sand... its like you belong here..." he said.

I tried to keep a straight face. "Now i just sound crazy..." he said. I laughed. "No... i understand what your saying... its just... i... i..." i really wanted to tell him. I really did. I stared at the ocean. "Im... Aaron... i need to tell you something..." i said stopping. He stopped as well.

"What is it?" He asked. "I...Im..." i began. I turned towards the ocean. "Im a-" suddenly a football came flying towards us. It nailed my face and i fell on the ground. "APH ARE YOU OK??" Aaron asked frantically bending down so he was face-to-face with me. "Yea im fine!!" I exclaimed covering my forehead where it hit.

"No your not! Remove your hands!" He said. I slowly uncovered my face and he gasped. "Your forehead..." he said, his eyes wide. "i-is it bad..." i asked. "Im not gonna lie... your probably gonna need some stitches..." he said. HOW HARD DID THEY THROW THE DANG BALL!!? He then grabbed the football and stood up, helping me up as well. "WHO THREW THAT!" He exclaimed.

No one answered. There was movement behind a log so aaron used his fairy magics and made the wind move the log. Behind it was Draven. "DRAVEN!!!" Aaron yelled. He sounded MAD! "I-IM SO SORRY APH! I MEANT TO HIT AARON!!" He exclaimed.

Aaron threw the football making it hit Draven. Draven got up and ran off as fast as he could. "C'mon lets get you to the doctors" he said. "Thats not necessary im perfectly fine!" I exclaimed smiling, ignoring the sharp pain i felt on my forehead.

"I don't believe you... one bit..." he said taking my hand again. We walked back to the Phoenix cafe where his car was. He opened the passenger's door for me. I got inside and buckled up while he got on the drivers side. It was 8:49 pm.

We arrived at the doctors. I refused to go so aaron picked me up and flung me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "NUUUU I DONT WANNA GOOOO!" I exclaimed. "I dont care your going missy!" Aaron argued walking inside the doctors.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU TURTLE CAKE!" I said. Everyone in the waiting room stopped and stared. "Aphmau your causing a scene..." aaron whispered. "SO ARE YOU! IN THE NAME OF THE TURTLE CAKE QUEEN PUT MEH DOWN BOI!" I replied.

Aaron sighed then walked towards the desk, with me STILL hung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes! "Name?" The nurse asked. "Aphmau Jessica Phoenix" aaron answered for me. The nurse searched my name on the computer. She scrunched her eyebrows up in confusion.

Oh crud..

"Thats funny... i dont see her on here anywhere..." the nurse told aaron. "Thats odd... aph?" Aaron asked putting me back down on the ground. The woman gasped once she saw my forehead. "u-um... TRY SEARCHING UP TURTLE CAKE QUEEN TREE PHONE FAN BURGER!" I exclaimed.

I immediately booked it towards the door. It flung open right when i was about to open it and nailed me in the forehead. I hit the ground.


"Why does everything hate my forehead" i questioned as i held an ice pack to my injuries. "Its ok aph... its ok.." aaron replied patting my back. "Aaron Falconclaw?" The lady called out. Since my name isn't actually my real name aaron used his. I told them it was probably just a glitch that my name wasn't on it and luckily they believed me!

"Right here!" Aaron said. He held my hand and we walked towards the lady. She was a nurse and her name was Zoey. She had blue eyes, blonde hair, and elf ears. Im guessing she was an Elf Fairy. She took us to a doctors room.

"Take a seat on the bed" she told me which i obliged. Aaron sat on the chairs next to the bed thingy. I took off my ice pack and she examined my injury from the football. "That's definitely gonna need stitches..." she mumbled. "WILL IT HURT!?" I exclaimed about ready to make an escape again.

"Not if we numb it first" zoey said. She numbed my forehead then started stitching it up. It tickled a little but didn't hurt. Once she was finished she put a bandage over it. She then put some medicine on my huge bump that i got from smacking into the door. She gave me some medicine then said we could go.

Aaron paid the money then we left. "See? That wasn't so bad" he said. "Whatever..." i mumbled, drowsy from the medicine zoey gave me. "You tired?" He asked opening the car door for me. I nodded. I got in then buckled up. It was about midnight. Aaron got in the drivers seat then started driving.

I nearly fell asleep a couple times but managed to stay awake. I hate, and i mean HATE sleeping in cars. He drove to my house then parked in my driveway. I got out and so did aaron. We walked inside my house then turned on the lights so we could see. I yawned. "Will you be ok alone?" He asked.

"I dont know... wanna watch a movie?" i asked drowsily. "Aren't you tired?" He replied. "Im fineeee" i replied. He agreed. I put in frozen which is my FAVORITE movie EVER! Aaron doesn't like it but he agreed to watch since its my favorite. I sat down on the couch and he sat down next to me.

Halfway through the movie aaron paused it. I stared at him questingly. "Aph... i've been thinking..." he said. "About what?" I asked. "About today..." he said. "What about today?" I questioned. He was silent for a moment. "I really love you aph... i mean i know its to soon to use the word love but i really do" he said.

"I love you to" i replied. "Do you think... maybe asking you to be my girlfriend would be a little to rushed or no?" He asked. "Not really..." i answered. He smiled. "Well then... Aphmau Jessica Phoenix will you be my girlfriend" he asked. I was suddenly knocked out of my drowsiness as soon as i heard those words.

I soon smiled also. "Yes" i answered. He smiled again and we both leaned forward. We kissed. I put my head on his shoulder and he pulled me closer to him. "Hey aph..." he said. "Yea?" I said. "Love you" he replied. I smiled.

"I love you to" we both soon fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading if you have any suggestions or questions make sure to comment or message me! Also thanks for all the support i get on all of my books it means a lot! Now i gotta go to school sadly...

Word Count~ 1300

Bai! 🐢🍰

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