She smiled, but didn't reply. Her husband had turned around and was eyeing up Taureen like a possible foe. I didn't like how he was staring at Taureen, who was remaining passive in this examination. I stood up straighter and lifted my head while raising my ear tufts a bit as I stared at the Kymari in a slight challenge.

Taureen was familiar enough with me to notice that I was no longer relaxed. He glanced at me and held up his hand. I stepped onto it and looked at his face. He spoke softly to me, "It is best if you stay with Aeria for a bit." He held out his hand. "Go to Aeria."

I turned my head and narrowed my eyes at the father in suspicion before gliding over to Aeria and carefully landing on her shoulder. Her father turned his head to watch my flight with his sharp eyes looking at my claws.

He seemed surprised that I could be soft-footed when I chose. At this rate, Aeria is going to have to start wearing a shoulder pad or else I could make a mistake and end up scratching her. My normally sharp claws were much sharper after Taureen had found a scratching post for me to wear them down. He had offered to trim them for me, but I declined since my claws wouldn't have quite the proper angle.

Aeria reached up to gently stroke my wings. Her brother took a step as he came closer for a better look at me, causing me to turn my head and hiss lightly at him. He stepped back with my warning, and I disregarded him to once more watch his father.

The father was still watching me while he spoke to Taureen. "How many people can handle her?"

"So far, it is just Aeria and myself."

"It is unusual for a bond animal to accept another person so easily." His tone was faintly challenging.

Taureen shrugged lightly, although the father couldn't see the action since he was still watching me. He said, "Tasha let Aeria pet her even the first day when she stopped to talk to me. It took some bribery, but she is more at ease with Aeria now."

The father turned back to look at Taureen before gesturing to the chairs. "Please take a seat and join us."

Taureen waited until the others were seated before picking a chair. Aeria was between her mother and brother. Her mother was on my side, and she turned her head to look at me in curiosity. The chairs had some space between them, so thankfully she wasn't too close.

She leaned closer to me, and I flattened my ear tufts with a low growl as I faced her. She sat straight once more as she looked at Taureen. I relaxed slightly now that she was no longer watching me so openly. Aeria stroked my neck in an attempt to calm me down.

Aeria's father addressed Taureen. "Tell me about what you do."

Taureen started explaining our patrols to detect sicora, crawlers, and ktari. Aeria's father almost certainly knew all of these details already. After Taureen finished speaking, Aeria's mother nudged Aeria with her knee. "Come help me get some snacks."

They stood up and began to head for the doorway. I looked at Taureen and started to spread my wings to return to him. He shook his head at me. "Go with them."

I shook myself and rustled my wings as I folded them again while chittering my dislike of his idea, but I remained on Aeria's shoulder as she left the room and went down the hallway. She rounded a corner too fast, and I flared my wings for balance, almost falling off of her shoulder to avoid digging in my claws. She instantly stopped to allow me to regain my balance. "Sorry."

She resumed walking with her mother, but took care to keep her walk smooth. Her mother commented, "I am surprised that she is so careful with her claws considering that she was born wild. If you decide to keep seeing him, we will have to alter the sleeves on some of your shirts so it gives you some protection, without it looking like a shoulder pad, of course."

Aeria brightened at that idea. "I would like that." Making a face, she asked, "What do you think father is doing?"

The mother shrugged. "Probably questioning Taureen about things he doesn't want to ask with you sitting right there. I didn't expect that the fire lizard would go with you out of the room, so your father probably didn't either."

She winced. "I hope it doesn't come to blows like it did with Florene's father."

Her mother shook her head. "Doubtful, neither Florene nor her father particularly liked that suitor. You told us that you approved of him enough to accept his bracelet. Besides, there would be a chance that his bond animal would catch them and probably attack. No, it will be mostly words exchanged."

They brought a few plates of snacks back, and the three men were sitting just as we left them. I noticed that the three seemed more relaxed now. I hope they got their threats and posturing off of their backs. I remember some of the things my own father threatened to do with any boy I brought home.

Aeria bent over to place the plate on the low table. She was obviously not used to having something carefully balanced on her shoulder. With an internal sigh, I let myself fall from her shoulder before spreading my wings. She felt my weight slide and went to catch me, but I was faster than her and deftly evaded her hands with an aerial evasion as I flew over to Taureen's shoulder.

Aeria seemed a bit embarrassed at her slip. I was quite surprised as well, usually Kymari never make such mistakes or oversights. Her mind must have been entirely on something else to have forgotten about me like that. That was quite a rare event. I wonder who is more stressed about this meeting, Taureen or her?

Originally, I would have thought Taureen, but now I was pretty sure that Aeria was much more stressed. Her parents had tensed when I started to slide, but now relaxed as they saw the outcome. I commented to Taureen, "I think she is more nervous about this meeting than you were. She really wants her father to like you."

He petted my shoulder and wings as I nuzzled his chin. The two women took their seats, and talk ranged from various events in the city to boundary skirmishes in different star systems.

Eventually, the snacks disappeared, and the evening drew to a close. The family escorted Taureen to the door. Her father held out his hand, and Taureen shook it.

"I look forward to seeing you again, Taureen."

Taureen bowed his head slightly. "Thank you, sir."

He shook his head. "Call me Keith."

"Thank you, Keith."

I noticed Aeria's face light up in excitement. I didn't blame her, usually it took several meetings with the parents for the father to formally give the suitor permission to use his name on a casual basis.

Taureen was halfway home when I shared the memory of Aeria's smile at her father's words. He grinned at me. "That went very well. Thank you for your cooperation."

I warbled my amusement. "No problem. So, what did you three discuss while I was listening to the two ladies discussing desserts, shoulder pads, and her father's possible reactions?"

He replied, "I had expected it to be worse, but they seemed to be in favor of me from the beginning. I think they were also cautious of what they did in case you reacted badly."

I lounged on his shoulder and tilted my head as I asked, "Are bond animals that scary?"

He glanced at me in amusement. "Most are known to be highly protective of their handlers, and considering you sent two people to the hospital in under five minutes, it does give them second thoughts. A bond animal that tracks and attacks sicora would be expected to be quite protective."

I snorted faintly. "Possibly, but I think they are overreacting. Aeria and her mother are planning on making her some small shoulder pads that blend into her clothing. That will be a relief; I was nervous about my claws scratching her, and she isn't used to me on her shoulder yet."

He nodded. "I was worried for a moment when you slid off of her shoulder. Good reaction though."

"I halfway expected it, so it wasn't too bad."

Taureen was happy that the evening had gone so well. Apparently, my acceptance of Aeria was a big thing in their minds. Her father had approved of Taureen when he told Taureen to call him by his name. That meant that things were progressing very well.

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