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I hear a car outside and I walk out to see Jackson and my eyes light up in relief at his presence. I run towards the car and jump in. He kisses my cheek and I blush.

"I see I still have the same affect on you muffin." My cheeks go a deeper shade of red and I hide my face with my hair.

"Can you take me to Theo's house please?" His face looks surprised and I can't quite read by what. It's probably because he is trying to work out where I have just been. If only he knew. He sighs and clears his throat.

"Um... I hate to be the one to tell you this but.." he takes a deep breathe and his face contorts into sadness before that element of emotion is replaced by dull irritation. My blood begins to boil under my skin anticipating what eve news I'm about to be presented with.

"Damn Jackson spit it out!!!" I shout and then realise my outburst was wrong. I calm myself because I realise what ever he is trying to tell me must be hard.

"Babe, Theo's dead." He barely chokes out the word and my chest tightens. It's as if the whole world has stopped. My stomach starts to contract and I feel sick. I start to cry while screaming Theo's pain. The stomach movements turn into excruciating pain and I bend over in pain. The tears are like waterfalls trickling down my puffy face. He rubs my back and brings me close to him.

"I want him back." My voice manages to say between sniffles.

"I know you do." The pain in my stomach becomes even worse.

"Jackson!!!!!" He stares at me in worry as I scream in agony. He nods and spreads off down the road.

"You need to get me to the hospital I'm going to die!!!" I scream to him and he just nods not towing his eyes of the road.

"Hurry Jackson!!!!" He nods again but with a more worried face. I breathe in and out deeply, i can't be giving birth can i? I would only be two months.... oh maybe four or five? Shit. It's probably dead!! I start to hyperventilate as I think about my poor child being dead, I can't let that happen. His speedy car comes to an abrupt stop outside the hospital doors and I open the door but can't bring my body to get out because of the pain. He notices this and comes around to my door and grabs my back so I can wrap myself around him. When I'm secure he begins to run towards the hospital leaving me to bob up and down. He places me on the reception counter with a huff.

"Please help me I think she's about five months pregnant and she is having severe pain" he says fast and the receptionist just nods and goes back to what she is doing, clearly not caring. " excuse me? I'm sure I was just talking to you!!!! Are you not going to help?" He says with anger in his voice. The receptionist jumps and scowls at him.

"That is not my job so no." His anger grows. He brings his mouth to my ear and whispers 'wait here' I nod and try to cope with the pain but it's unbearable. I pant as I try to steady my breathing.

"Can you stop doing that it's annoying." The bitchy receptionist says. I ignore her and go back to helping myself. Jackson comes running with a doctor hot on his tracks with a wheel chair. Finally!

Kidnapped by a drug dealer✔️COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now